A jobless couple set a tent on the main square of Kavala, Northeast Greece, and started a hunger strike. The aim of their desperate action? To get a job! Lazaros Papadopoulos, 60, and his wife Frideriki Toka, 40, saw no other solution to raise attention to their problem. They have been without a job since a couple of years. They reached the tip of their hopelessness iceberg when their landlord threatened them with eviction shouldn’t they be able to pay due rents of seven months.
Papadopoulos, a driver, concluded his last temporary work contract in December 2009. Toga, a cook’s assistant, has been without a job in the last four years.
As the police has removed their tent right away on Friday, the couple spends the days and nights outdoors, practically in the middle of nowhere, hoping to get the attention of some merciful employer. “We will continue until we both get a job” they said to local newspaper ProiniNews.
Residents of Kavala provide them with water, a doctor from Greek Red Cross has examined Lazaros Papadopoulos.
Papadopoulos and Tokas started their hunger strike on March 11; two days after the 300 migrants ended their hunger strike having reached a deal with the Greek government.
No wonder that many Greeks on websites and forums advised a hunger strike as a means to raise the attention of Greek politicians to their economic problems of the Greek citizens…
Where will the jobless go ?
According to a United Nation’s estimate, of the 800,000 persons illegally crossing international boarders annually, 70 % are women.
Possible reason ?
Of the 1.4 billion people living on less than $ 1 a day, 70 per cent are women and girls
May be for them, serving a jail-term for illegal immigration, in a foreign country is far better then starving in their own country !
Unemployment is creating pockets of extreme poverty around the world, with millions going to sleep without food.
How long before an unstoppable tsunami of jobless sweep over the boarders of affluent nations ?
Is there anyone who still believes that such inequity can be sustained forever ?
With regards
hemen parekh
Jobs for All = Peace on Earth