This post would also worth to bear the title “How Germany ruined Greece economically” or what is Germany’s contribution to Greece’s economical collapse”. Yes! I’d love a satanic “hehe” here… German weekly DER SPIEGEL brings into the spot light another bribes scandal. This time involved is the DBI – Deutsche Bundesbahn International – , a subsidiary of the German Railways.
According to DER SPEIGEL -report the corruption affair about the DBI is brightening and concerns bribes payment of several million euros to decision-makers in Greece, Libya, Ruanda, Algeria and Thailand. The prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt investigates against at least 38 former and current DBI excecutives – among them 6 who previously worked for … gues who! The SIEMENS!!!
Greek media report of allegedly bribes of EUR 300,000 given by the DBI involved in the contructure of the METRO n Athens. Claims have it that “the money was transferred in suitcases.”
The evidence so far suggests involvement of the SIEMESN as well in his case, the weekly says.
After the SIEMENS scandal (estimated 100 million euros in bribes) and the Ferostaal scandal (estimated 50 million euros in bribes) the DBI seems like a bag of peanuts. Nevertheless bribes are normally given to secure state contracts and sweeten officials for the rapid progress of the works. The 150,300,000 euros bribes came to the benefit of German economy and taxpayer after all. Or not? I wonder if more bribes scandals will explode in the future, near or far.