A dramatic appeal to all political forces has been submitted in an open letter by 32 intellectual Greeks from arts and science. Famous writers, musicians, economists, academics start their appeal with the stunning sentence “We want to express in the clearest way our anxiety about the dramatic situation of the country”. They urgently call the politicians to “put aside their selfishness and personal calculations and to assume fully their responsibilities”
In the open letter entitled “Do Dare!” the 32 signatories highlight among others, that “those who provocatively ignore the signs of challenging times and they insist on investing in bankruptcy under the guidance of the personal and party interest, they will be charged with the full destruction of the country.”
“The country needs a responsible leadership for a national reconstruction, that in cooperation with our European partners will do what is necessary for salvation.”
They underline and estimate that the situation has reached its peak, and only concerted actions, based on a new spirit of unity may prevent more destruction. ”
Among those who sign the document are writers like Petros Markaris, Kiki Dimoula and Menis Koumantareas, actors like Thanasis Valtinos, musicians like Dionysis Savvopoulos, Arts professor like Yiannis Kounelis. From the crises of science Yiannis Stournaras, Aristos Doxiadis, Apostolos Doxiadis, Vaso Kinti, Aggelos Thelivorias.
Full text in Greek HERE