The arrival of protesting police officers at Syntagma Square divided the “Indignant” Greeks as policemen not so seldom clash with protesters, making often extensive use of tear gas and use of violence. Protesters in ‘lower’ Square rejected the protesting policemen, while those in ‘upper’ square welcomed them. “Lower” square protesters have been camping there for 29th days, hold public assemblies, open debates about the Memorandum of Understanding with academics and economists, issue common statements about the aims of the protests and they even clean the Square after riots. “Upper” Square protesters consist mostly of people who occasionally join the anti-austerity choir in front of the Parliament.
Video: Protesters chanting slogans to Policemen
When the group of protesters in uniform arrived at Syntagma Square on Thursday evening , the permanent protesters started chanting “First you beat us, now you smile at us”. However when they policemen took place in front of the Parliament the tension was defused.
Furthermore, both the ‘lower’ and ‘upper’ Square protesters applauded jointly and loudly, when the group of protesting Firemen arrived.
Police officers wearing their uniform launched a protest against the austerity measures on Thursday afternoon in downtown Athens. Also members of the Fire Brigades and the Coastal Guards gathered at Kolokotroni Square and started marching towards Syntagma Square to join forces with the “Indignant” Greeks. Today’s unique protesters oppose austerity measures in the police departments of the country, wage cuts and freezing of personnel hiring.
Poor & Indignant NOW Active & Struggling
In recent days, police officers also demonstrated in several Greek cities. In recent times there have been often complain about the strict austerity measures that have hit the police as well. In Greek newspapers we have read examples, that policemen are allowed to spend just 5 euro to tank the duty cars, or that they buy with teir own money equipment like helmets for motorbikes drivers or hand cuffs.
There were also some reports about members from the Armed Forces to join the protest, as the minister in charge rejected their damand to create unions. But I haven’t seen any confirmed report they will do so today. UPD : no army officers arrived at Syntagma Sq.
In general, the government tolerates protests in front of the Parliament as a mean of frustration difuse by austerity struck Greeks. However sometimes things go out of hand and control and protesters end up in hospitals or get injured by fired tear gas. The government hopes that these protests will disolve sooner or later and at they end they will “all move to the beach” (favorite slogan of Melina Merkouri alias Ilya in the film Never on Sunday).
Keep an eye on KTG for updates.
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