The day started bad and with a lot of tension. People are angry and feel ignored by politicians, the police has clear orders. The day started bad already at 9 o clock ini the morning with some incidents erupting between protesters and riot police, whens a group of 200 people tried to block a main Athens avenue and prevent lawmakers from accessing the Parliament building. Police fired tear gas, one man was injured.
Latest reports speak of a total of 8 injured this morning due to tears gas and other <means>….
In another incident, protesters threw eggs and yogurt to the car of Greek Communist Party (KKE) MP, Liana Kaneli. Just minutes ago another group of protesters had stopped the MP and asked her not to vote for the Mid-Term Austerity programme. KKE has a clear party line to down-vote the Package.
Thousands of protesters have already gathered outside the Parliament. People arrived this morning also from other parts of Greece, like Thessaloniki and Volos. Later, labour unions are going to join the crowds on the second day of the general strike that paralyzes the country.
Inside the Parliament the debate on the crucial vote started at 10 a.m. The voting will take place at 2 pm, and the Speaker of the Parliament will call the names of the deputies. 151 votes are needed for the Package to be adopted. Read also our article “Horrified” Lawmakers to Vote for the Austerity Package, after all?
This morning, Syntagma Square was resembling a Battle Field after the heavy riots and clashes of Tuesday. Scattered on the streets around the Square and the Parliament are pieces of marble, cobblestones, wood and sticks, burnt garbage bins. The smell of tear gas still lays heavy. The incidents lasted until deep in the night.
Greek media report of more than 350 injured people, the majority of them with breathing problems due to extensive use of tear gas.
See videos and pictures from yesterday’s ‘battles’ in Live Streaming & Blogging
June 29: Live Streaming
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LIVE STREAMING: Γενική Απεργία ενάντια στο… by News247
Strong police forces around Syntagma Square and the Parliament. Reports of 5,000 men.
Things seem to be calm for the time being, as thousands protesters keep flocking outside the Parliament.
Athens Downtown – Cleaning the mess
Earlier this morning: Police clashes with Protesters
Tension outiside the Parliament – Protesters throw bottles of water to riot policemen. Police fires tear gas ( I wonder, what’s the cost of this extensive use of tear gas… )
Inside the Parliament the debate continues, the majority of ‘rebelling’ PASOK-deputies declared that they have objections towards the Mid-Term Package, but that they will vote for it.
the voting start might have some delay
Read our KTG-Article: Policemen & Protesters Search … Amputated Finger in the Dark (videos)
13:42 VOTE
One deputy from main-opposition centre-right party Nea Dimokratia declares that she will vote FOR the Austerity Package; she will be expelled from the party or she will resign and be independent deputy
PASOK MPs Kouloumblis and Athanasiadis who had objections to Package, did not declare whether they will vote YES or NO, during their speeches.
Clouds of tear gas otuside the parliament. Protesters disapprove with boos. A group of protesters tried to come close to the iron-plexiglass fence.
video 1 by News247
Irony! this government banned the smoking for harming people’s health!
Riot police and a group of protesters exchange fists and kicks outside the parliament. Clashes body-to-body.
One protester injured, his friends carry him to the safety of the Metro station.
Tear gas and stun grenades.
many protesters have moved to the lower part of Syntagma sq, some meters away from the Parliament building.
Unbelievable scenes outside the parliament. Police heavily fires tears gas and smoke chemicals. Arrests one protester.
Anothe rprotester injured lays at the stairs of the Syntagma Metro
200 people sought shelter inside the Metro Syntagma station , most of them have breathing problems.
Voting start is being delayed – most probably to start at 3 pm , still 2,5 leaders of politicla parties to speak.
Many protesters injured at Syntagma Sq that turned into a “Battle Field” again.
Ένταση και χημικά στο Σύνταγμα by News247
Only two MPs (from Greek Communist Party & the Left Syriza) condemn openly the police behaviour and the tear gas outside the parliament. During the Mid-Term debate, they asked the Minister in charge and the Prime Minister to intervene and ease the tension.
Clashes continue , Police tries to push protesters away from the parliament building. Extensive use of tear gas and chemicals.
Many people seek shelter in the Metro Station (not the best solution though)
Greek depities try to “solve” the economic problems of Greece? No wonder many blame them that they have lost contact to the citizens.
*** I don’t like at all, what I see in downtown Athens***
While Finance Minister Ev. Venizelos speaks of ‘simple and guileless citizens that need to be protected’, a real battle is taking place outside the Parliament.
“simple and guileless”????? Meaning those on the streets have guile??? I’ll have to say that to my protesting hairdresser….
Επεισόδια και φωτιά by News247
Many people run to protect themselves form the tear gas
Stun grenades keep falling
Prime Minister Papandreou speaks at the Parliament before the voting. TV shows half-screen Papandreou, half-screen Syntagma Hell.
Twitted from @rebeldog_ath
“Report from the Red cross tent at #Syntagma 100 people with respirational trouble, 40 injured (burns, bruises etc)”
“Indignant” Greeks call proetesters per loudspeakers to stay outside the Palriament and on the square.
PM Papandreou: The Mid-Term Programme is not the target but a difficult and necessary station so we can be able to change the country.”
“We definetely must avoid default”.
“It is Greece of lawlessness” (!!!!!!!) He speaks as if it’s the very first time he is active politician here (*shaking my head*)
While PM seeks ‘consensus’ and ‘give Greece a historical chance” the absolute chaos rules outside the Parliament.
Policemen pick up stones and throw them to protesters.
PM concluded his speech, now Antonis Samaras (main-opposition Nea Dimokratia) is speaking for 3 minutes.
then the voting will start, I assume
many complains about police’s behaviour towards journalists and citizens.
Policeman with Victory sign? it is a fooball mtach going on Syntgama? a war maybe? a winners’ parade? Exclusive picture from with the caption “provocative gesture from the police”
Parliament Plenary Session : voting to start within minutes…
Deputies names will be called – Deputies will have to raise hand and say loud YES or NO
voting started!
so far big surprises in voting – PASOK deputies say YES all the other political parties NO – Except ONE PASOK DEPUTY VOTED NO
At the same time police is firing tear gas with an unbelievable zeal to protesters being trapped on Syntgama Sq. They desperately try to escape to side streets.
It’s so tragic what going on… so tragic, ‘raping’ the will of people
Yes 33 – No 31 voting continuing
Horrible fighting outside the parliament
PASOK MP Athanasiadis who was claiming all these days to vote No, voted YEESSS, and held a short speech, telling he got convinced about the necessity of the Mid-Term
from the so-called ‘rebelling’ PASOK deputies only one voted NO – PASOK has 155 seats in Parlimanet, needs 151 to pass the Mid-Term Package. Got also one more vote from ND-deputy
voting continues….
there are reports that poeple fiant like flies due to tear gas and chemicals outside the parliament
so far YES 129 – NO 120
King George Hotel right at Syntagma Sq has been evacuated
voting concluded
it looks MId-Term Package has passed – Gave over Greeks…..
waiting for the official results….
PASOK suffered only one negative vote and gained one positive from centre-right, now independent deputy E. Papadimitriou
still counting votes…..
the package of 28 billion euro in wages, social allowances and pension cuts and tax hikes to everything except breathing and <hmhm> has technically passed.
This will secure the 5th tranche and pave the way for another H-U-G-E bailout of appr. 100 billion euros that Greek swill have to pay back.
I declare officially “I am BROKE” and have nothing to give!
still conunting votes…
YES 155
NO 138
Present 5
Kouroumblis, the PASOK deputy who voted NO, has been expelled from the party in express procedures.
The fight continues outside the Parliament. The use of tear gas has hit records! People at Syntagma cannot even talk to each other from the stinky and breathtaking air.
There are reports of 300 people trapped in the #Syntagma metro stations. A provisional First Aid clinic has been set up there.
The chairman of the Pharmasists’ Association went to Syntagma and asked the police to stop firing tear gas and other chemicals.
Report has it that a polciman threw a stun grenade into a running crowd.
“Indignant” Greeks call people per loudspeakers to stay and not leave.
People still try to seek shelter in the Metro Station . The air inside is thick . People call police not to fire tear gas in the Sq because tthe gas enters the metro station.
Tear gas and stones… and the long time austerity adopted.
no easing of tension
Tear gas, tear gas and more tear gas.
5 doctors helped 500 people in Syntagma Metro station – 30 people went to hospitals.
Complains of extensive use of violence by police, provoked or not provoked, no difference if protesters 15 or 65 (
The situation is out of control at Syntagma sq.
An ads banner was set on fire.
Black smoke and heavy tear gas clouds. Molotov fire bombs and stones from Hoodies.
Still clashes between protesters and police.
Athens downtown, where democracy was born, is being covered by tear gas.
The metro station at syntagma sq has turned into a temporary first aid clinic.
Χάος στον σταθμό του Μέτρο στο Σύνταγμα by News247
I wonder where is the Minister for the Citizens’ Protection…..
A fire broke in the building of Post Office near Syntgam Sq. The firebrigades extinguished the fire.
At least 100 people have been injured – Many other experience expiratory problems due to tear gas
Doctor have been appealing for oxygene at the Mestro Station #Syntagma where many people sought shelter.
There are reports of police throwing chemical in the metro station, reports of journalists injured by riot police, police on bikes chasing people through the streets of Plaka.
A photo Gallery from todays incidents in Le Monde
Situation is out of control.
“Indignant” Greeks see a police plan behind the riots/clashes to evacuate the Syntaga Sq from them. Many tents of their camp were burnt.
Private and public sector labour unions GSEE and ADEDY are meeting at Klfthmonos Sq near Syntagma for their planned anti-austerity protest.
Athanasiadis, the PASOk deputy who was objecting the Austerity package, but at the end voted YES, has been attacked by protesters, is slightly injured but still walking. Reportedly injured with a ‘sharp item’. Protesters even threw water on him.
Προπηλακισμός Αθανασιάδη στη Βουκουρεστίου by fon1972
Sorry but this is too stupid to walk at Syntagma Battle Field…
Dimitris Trimis, journalist and member of Journos Trade Union, was beaten by riot police. he is in the hospital, slightly injured in the hand.
A group of normal citizens, told ALTER TV, that they were beaten by motor-bikes policemen, while they were eating at a restaurant in Monastiraki. One man that called the tv network was saying that the policemen entered the restaurant with clubs and started beating people. The rest of the group was shouting and confirning this on the phone. They said, they have the beating on mobile video. The said also that an old man was beaten by police.
Another woman, an office owner, called the same network and said, that the police threw tear gas and chemicals into a cafe in a passage at Ermou street. She complains that the attack was against normal citizens and that two people suffer from respiratory problems. She asked for help on the phone.
Wise words:
@rebeldog_ath rebel dog
“Yes Greece is not alone, but I am afraid that means that we are the trailer for the upcoming movie in a political theater near you”.
Live Blogging Continues HERE “Chaos in Athens”
Madness… Some sanity needed? Just been to the IKTEO to have my car tested. No General Strike here as usual. Swift check (20 min.). Sitting outside the nice building. Well kept. Great view on the mountains. Free coffee and orange juice.
Car had no problems. Just one tail light and a small front light need to be fixed. Have a nice day and see you in two years, sir.
Normal life. The life why we love Greece. Remember that. Always!
isn’t it too hot inside this glass-bubble???
No, it is something to keep me sane in the middle of this crazy day. And believe me I have witnessed scenes like these before. Even with tanks rolling through my former hometown. Or groups of angry citizens prepairing to burn down the parliament. But what I see from downtown Athens is very disturbing and when you see other streams from inside the parliament, you just know how close they phisically are but also how far far apart.
cuz cars are still allowed to smoke
Looks like the police might kill someone today. Shame on the politicians and big business for handing over the living standards of the people to the bankers and bondholders. Default now and make the bankers and rich pay for their own mess.
Find it terrible and very sad to sit and watch this. At the same time sitting arguing with some ignorant Danish people, in danish newspaper forums. Some times (read often) I fell ashamed of being danish.
BUT, thanks for blogging!! Given us who dont understand Greek so well a chance to follow whats happening.
In the eastern part of Germany (former GDR) the slogan “No violence” and “we are the people” was shouted millionfold on the streets by the people before the wall was teared down and the reunion of Germany started.
Peace for all Greeks! Best wishes from Germany!
It wasn’t you to tear down the wall.
It was a mix of collapsing GDR economy
and secret Four Allies agreements.
People like you are going to have a rude awakening
in the next years (or months?)
Bullshit, it were the people themselvs, of course after they recognized that the state is weak. It took many, many years until the people lost their fear and took to the streets. It was a revolution, you could even call it a social revolution, because the people participated in every single branch of their lives, be it in schools, working places, in the so called round tables, in open assemblies… Everywhere they took decisions and discussed about the situation, in each family, at the streets, even with strangers… Neither the police nor the government had any influence at that time, they simply had lost their authority. You have no idea about what you are talking, if you deny that and claim it was some secret Four allies agreement. The only mistake the people did was to sell themselvs to the capitalists for some bananas and 100 DM welcome to the golden West money. They have paid dearly for that. After being imprisoned behind the wall for decades they were naiv and couldn’t recognize that they will be colonialized by West Germoney. The same is happening now in Greece, if the people do not radically defend against the attacks. Greece will end like East Germany, with mass unemployment, terror and progroms by neonazis, seperated families, people without identities, many drug adicts like alcoholics, social cruelty, without any future other than to emigrate to other countries, and a lot of “blooming landscape” (economy sold out and crashed by strong western industrial countries).
Excerpt from the following website
“Long-lasting exposure (over an hour) or exposure to a large dose of tear gas, especially in an enclosed setting, may cause severe effects such as:
• Blindness
• Glaucoma (a serious eye condition that can lead to blindness)
• Death due to serious chemical burns to the throat and lungs
• Respiratory (breathing) failure possibly resulting in death
The deadly effects of tear gas would only occur following exposure to a dosage several hundred times greater than the amount of tear gas typically used by law enforcement officials for crowd control.”
They Greek police may be unknowingly willingly killing the protesters.
This vote/betrayal will surely herald the end of PASOK
Just read a ‘nice’ quote from PASOK MP Elena Panaritis on BBC. She makes abundantly clear what PASOKs policies are:
“I’m just going to remind you that when Mrs Thatcher did reforms, your country took 17 years and very deep unemployment, very deep recession periods. That’s what we have to go through if we want to see a different country and have a much more productive economy. Of course we will get that,”
A Thatcherite Britain is what the goal is! I bet most Greeks surely did not vote for THAT idea…?
“I wonder where is the Minister for the Citizens’ Protection”….
he is out for late lunch, together with all the other politicians, congratulating themselves for a job well done, clapping each others shoulders…
I guess that from now on, the safest place to be for the yes-voters will be in exile.
I think these measures were inevitable, so they can lend money to ensure pensions, wages and payments to suppliers. If they didn´t approve these measures, there would be money for nothing.
These events should not occur at all, because the tourists will be away from Greece, and now the major “export” of Greece’s is tourism. So think before making such demonstrations.
I fully support the current government of Greece and totally condemn the policies of previous governments.
good for you, I bet you haven’t even voted for them
Well, actually there are more tourists in Greece this year than last year. Unfortunately most of them are enjoying their all inclusive holidays and not leaving the hotels, so local people here are in just as big trouble as they have been for the past 10 years!!!!
The current government are just as full of kleftis as the previous and the one before that and before that…………… No difference!!. But unfortunately you gotta live in Greece, or have lived here, to understand it (No offence!! Thats just how it is)..
I’ve got photos of the tourists leaving the hotels… Through the gassed streets around Syntagma.
Lots of the small “family” tourist businesses collapsed already last year and therefore it would be an idea to organize something for working class people that usually can’t afford to travel or only every 5 years or so.
So that normal folks can booze homemade raki together and the big biz stays away from the small.
So much for some cash…
Are you human or a bot ?
i´m not Greek.
I can´t vote in Greece.
of course, you are not
So shut your mouth
As I see the situation of Greece, the only thing that rest the population is civil disobedience or downright revolt.
(In 20 years old people fishing in the harbor will be punished with 2 years in Koridallos)
These are the plans for Greece: More cheap flights, more huge ships, more Disneyland, more Destruction by airports and harbors. And when they say: “new technologies” they definetly don’t mean ships with wind-turbines or tourists pedaling their ships while you can bang the drum…
Like their stupid not practicable sun-power idea, they don’t tell you that huge companies are investing into tourism at the south-coast of the mediterrean sea!
And here is the other side of crisis; these kind of bloodsuckers will create a nice coast for european pensioners after they were getting it cheap from broke greek pensioners who did work 16hrs in shitty krautcountry for: