Protesters and riot police have been ‘playing’ cat and mouse for several hours at Syntagma Square in downtown Athens. Riot police beats protesters and fires tear gas, while the protesters withdraw and come back. Proto Thema newspaper underlines that the police made ‘extensive use of chemicals’ to prevent the protesters from demonstrating right in front of the Unknown Soldier monument at the feet of Parliament. The incidents began at 7.30 pm, just half an hour after protesters from “Indignant Greeks” and “I Don’t Pay” movement had flocked to Syntagma Sq. in downtown Athens to protest the latest austerity measures.
Video: riot police fires tear gas directly to a protester
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Proto Thema reports that the police beat the protesters that one man and one woman were injured and had been transferred by ambulance to hospital.
At the very end, protesters managed to gather in front of the Parliament and stayed for several hours chanting slogans against the police, the government and the austerity measures.
At the gathering, there were also lawyers and tax consultants who informed people about the new measures, including the property levy that triggered an outcry in the society.
While the situation remained calm for severla hours, riot police clashed again with protesters when students called them to go and protest outside the state television.
Video: Protesters/riot police; woman injured & fainted, people call for Doctors. In the turmoil of the last video seconds, among the legs of policemen, here comes…Loukanikos, the famous riot dog of Athens! He can’t miss a protest, can he?
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