Saturday , February 15 2025
Home / News / Society / Upd:Students Occupy Greek State TV Studio; Prime Time News Cancelled (video)

Upd:Students Occupy Greek State TV Studio; Prime Time News Cancelled (video)

A group of 60 students entered the studio of Greece’s state television NET on Sunday evening and interrupted Prime Time News on air at 9 pm on Sunday night. The students demanded to read an announcement against the governmental policie son education. Immediately NET cancelled the news programme and started to broadcast fillers. 

Video: Nervous News anchorman, students’ voices, break

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The students wanted to read live an announcement about the current state in the education, against the university reforms and the governmental policy on education. They are members of the Committee for occupying the universities.

Slogan: We break the wall of silence  – Victory for students’ and society struggle

Latest information twitted by NET journalists report say that the students were allowed to record their statement and were sent out of the studio with the NEt management’s promise that it will be broadcast.  However one hour later there is still no Prime Time News in NET  with the latest developments from Washington where Greek Finance Minister is holding talks with Greece’s lenders.

The news have been replaced with videotaped  programmes, lottery tickets adverts and a Hollywood film is about to start….

BREAKING: The News programme has been cancelled; students wait at NET premises that their statement will be broadcast during Midnight News.

According to official NET/ERT statement there were students also outside the premises chanting slogans.

Police forces are been deployed outside NET.

UPDATE (12.58 am) The Midnight News has not be on air until now. According to NET journalists, anchorman is in studio, 20 students wait outside to see if their announcement will be broadcast. Allegedly there is a technical problem with the students’ video (something like … technical default…) Other students remains outside NET

Video from the students in NET

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To be Continued…… if extraordinary developments occur


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  1. Well done to all the students who occupied the news station! Solidarity from Wales in the United Kingdom.

  2. Is there a crime for doing what these students did in Greece? I know in the USA if you do something like this it is considered a terrorist act since you have tried to take over the airwaves and I believe a jail sentence 5-10 years could be applied. Will these students be prosecuted for their actions and what penalty would be imposed? Just curious?

    • certainly is a crime, certain is the question, how did such a big crowd managed ot enter, what the security guards were doing. I’ll still have to check to answer your question about sentances.

  3. Total shame!!! Thugs taking over a TV station and the cops do nothing!!! I am pretty much appalled how weak is the Greek police. Time for the army

  4. Well, I did some checking in US History and found that during the Vietnam war, some American students did the same thing at Berkley University and they did get arrested but were given a very minor sentence (i believe probation) but times were different then.

    I truly believe that in the USA post 911 if you did this you’d probably get at least a few years in jail, if not ONLY to keep other crazy people from trying this.

    Maybe Greek authorities need to arrest and actually put a few people in jail just to scare the borderline normal people from trying these crazy stunts?

    Am I wrong?

    • Check also Chapter: Death Penalty/USA. You will see it never scared criminals from committed crimes.

  5. Oh, KTG, I have to admit, I dont’ really understand or get into Greek music,…

  6. Ok, you are saying that criminals were not afraid of the death penalty and still committed murders. Sure, this is true.

    But, I think you can’t comapare this to non-violent regular people who might not commit the other types of crimes if they knew jail was involved.

    Your comparison is similar to comparing apples to oranges, both fruit, but different types of fruit.

    Regarding the off-topic music comment, sorry about that, maybe you should remove the whole comment since you did not include the rest of my comment and thus it doesn’t make sense in that context. Do you have a format to suggest random thoughts, ideas? If not, no worries….

    • keeptalkinggreece

      for comparing apples & oranges see: Big Fat Greek wedding.
      I left half of your comment becasue otherwise my reply wouldn’t make any sense. No random comments section but you can always send an e-mail