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FinMin Surpsises State Employees With 25-35% Wages Cuts. But…

Greek Finance Ministry surprised employees at state-run enterprises with wages cuts of 25% to 35%, retrospective as of November 1st, 2011. The announced came with a circular issued on Thursday morning and affects thousands of employees at enterprises like power company DEH, water company, the post, Piraeus port and many other whether they are dealing at the Athens stock Exchange or not. The measure aims to meet targets set in the Budget 2012.

The new wages have to have a maximum cap of €1,900 gross per month after the cuts.

 Higher salary cap for the chief executives in state-run-enterprises shall be 5,856.05 EUR per month. BUT with a decision of the Finance Ministry this wage is allowed to exceed the cap and … get doubled. (source:

PS Why should an SRE employee still earn 1,900 euro per month nowadays, it’s one of the many miracles in debt-rdden Wonderland Greece…. 

BTW: without a cap in the number of personel, the Greek state-run enterprises will remain a place to “park” voters with a nice salary and benefits…

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  1. So the gross salary of an employee in an SME will be maxed out at 1900 euro/month and that of his boss will be 3 to 5 times that amount at 5,856.05 euro (why the 5 cents????) to 11.712,10 euro? Wow…

  2. Apart from looking after themselves & their pet employees how do they expect everyone else to live. Perhaps the Greeks not working for the state should pack up work altogther before they cut the wages to NIL and expect them to work for nothing. I read on another thread that apparently Greece hasn’t hit bottom yet, what do they call bottom, when everyone has starved to death. Even with all the unrest/strikes I think the Greek people are being very restrained at all what’s being heaped on them.