Kimon Koulouris, a former PASOK minister, must have had a tough time on Saturday night. Driving down one of the main roads in downtown Athens in front of the Kallimarmaro Stadium, he passed a red traffic light… Policemen from the motorcycled DIAS units, managed to stop him. But Koulouris refused to give his personal data. According to police sources, the ex minister was out of control, he swore at them and told them it wasn’t possible that they’d work for just 500 euro per month. The policemen asked again his data, and one of them policeman took position in front of Koulouris’ Mercedes. However the ex-minister apparently in a frantic state of mind, started his car and dragged the policeman wounding his legs.
The DIAS unit prohibited Koulouris from escaping, called the patrol that took the ex-minister to police station and removed his car with a crane.
After his testimony the former minister was released and the incident file will be sent to the prosecutor.
The injured policeman, 25, was taken to the hospital.
Members of the police union and of Athens Bar Association are outraged about the release of the ex-minister and categorically declare, that Kimon Koulouris is an ‘ordinary citizen’ and that he should be arrested according to the ‘flagrant procedure’ – as every citizen responsible for a similar incident.
Sources: All Greek media and, NewsIt,
If someone would wonder who this gentlemen is? I found this:
This was in 2003. Nice pair, those two on that department where all those subsidies are… processed…
Antonis, conserning your other comment – I’m not sure whether legally it was ‘at.m’…. Therefore for avoid possible troubles, we avoid the comment. the info comes only from one side…
😆 And I thought the second comment would be a ‘problem’.
But you are right. I read somewhere that he was released because it was deemed an accidental injury to the police officer.
Still not sure how police officers will react the next time something like this happens. I know I would not bother anymore and just wave those people by. They all have learned, again, a valuable lesson.
QUESTION: What is the most dangerous food for the OMADA DIAS?
ANSWER: The Koulouri
LOL – tasteful joke
Now for something more somber though…
You asked for debate on an earlier post.
This is where to start, Greeks who are starting to understand where Greece is at and move on.
Let the debate begin
Ok and Thank you. I’ll check it out as soon as it will be possible then for the time being I ‘m a bit under ‘extreme weather conditions’….