Labour and Social Security Minister, Yiorgos Koutroumanis, ordered the rewriting of the regulation determining the disability percentage for people with physical or mental impairment, after disabled group complained that even pedophiles and kleptomaniacs were profiting from disabled benefits. According to the decision of November 8, 2011, among the mentally ill were included people like pedophiles, exhibitionists, pipping Toms, gambling addicted, kleptomaniacs and arson-maniacs. People with sexual perversions got a disability bonus of 2o% to 30%. Those ‘disabled’ were not receiving the disabled benefit but enjoyed allowances like reduced electricity bills and free tickets to public transport means.
Under the heavy pressure by disabled groups, Koutroumanis ordered the establishment of a scientific committee to specify the disability rates.
The November decision was aiming to renew the disability rates in order to cut benefits to disabled groups in the context of sharp austerity due to the bailout conditions of Greece’s lenders. Many disabled Greeks with low income and pension saw allowances and benefits simply “deleted“. And hear, hear, who benefited after all.
Moreover, two months later the November decision has to be written a new. Like every decision in this Greek state that’s falling apart.
One awful example why I slowly come to the conclusion that it would not be a bad thing to just abolish the whole civil service, replace it with foreigners for 2 or 3 years who will have the task of rewriting every rule and regulation into no more than 30 words. And then hand this all back to where they belong: in the hands of the Greek people.
Oh yes, that would be loss of sovereignty. But what is sovereignty when utter fools and jokers are at play on every level in the state.
And yes, what really is unbelievable is that a lot of real disabled lost their small benefits.
8 Of November 2011 it was that this was scribbled down??? I rest my case… 🙄