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Home / News / Economy / Greece’s Two Class Society: Austerity for All, While Some Get Wages Increases

Greece’s Two Class Society: Austerity for All, While Some Get Wages Increases

The Memorandum of Understanding, the cuts in wages and pensions concern all Greeks. All nearly all. 500 people working in the public sector, next to deputy ministers and secretary generals of certain ministries will be excluded by the new payroll and receive wages increases instead. Daily “Athesmeftos Typos” revealed that in the ministries of Finance and Administrative Reform those civil servants working next to deputy ministers and secretary generals not only are exempted from the new payroll, but that they receive wages increases between 400 and 700 euro per month. The decisions was published in the Official Gazette of the Greek state.

With the new payroll decreases wages and allowances to civil servants. Except for those belonging to the so-called ‘elite’ of employees, who are often affiliated to political parties.

Adesmeftos Typos claims, that this group of privileged employees belong to the socialist party.  The newspaper claims further, that this decision will burden the budget of 2012 with extra 2.1 million euro and the budgets of the following years with 1.8 million euro.

For example, the director of the political office will receive 2.271 euro per month and additional € 700 as special allowance. Independently from whether the director has a university degree or not. A ‘councelor’ will receive 2.146 euro.

The decision will go into effect retroactive from Nov 1, 2011.

The preferential wages become public just a couple of days, after lawyers at the public sector managed to get 15% wages increases, also retroactive from Nov 1, 2011.

The newspaper criticizes the wages increases and thus in times of strict austerity, “in times when many households suffer from unemployment and Greece’s biggest social insurance fund IKA recently borrowed another 200 million euro in order to pay pensions”.

Source: Adesmeftos Typos via News

PS In the private sector, the minimum wages dropped below 500 euro per month. Independently from whether the employee has a university degree or not….

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  1. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10…

    No does not work.

    *breath in* *breath out* *breath in* *breath out* *breath in* *breath out* *breath in* *breath out* *breath in* *breath out* *breath in* *breath out* *breath in* *breath out* *breath in* *breath out* *breath in* *breath out* *breath in* *breath out*

    No, does not work either.

    Ohmmm – Ohmmm – Ohmmm – Ohmmm

    No! Darn! Neither does this.
    To late!!!

  2. Not quite sure where to comment about this but seeing as the word Austerity is mentioned in this topic, seems like a good place. Austerity won’t affect these IKA Staff will it? Accused and arrested for taking a nice cut from a 20 million euro scam. Pensions lowered, Unemployment benefit lowered, etc., etc., – come on, they’re taking from their own people. Innocent until proven guilty – I’m not holding my breath on these though!

    • keeptalkinggreece

      we did the IKA fraud too lol

      • I’ve had too much sun lol – where’s the post? I gotta look!

        • keeptalkinggreece

          check out the homepage. I posted it half an hour ago. “Too much sun”? where lol

          • I see it I see it – but I wrote my post at 8.42 you posted topic about 10.50 c’mon KTG speed up ha ha, well I’ve made my point, corruption is worldwide and always will be but we’re in Greece, we’re talking Greece, we’re in trouble bigtime, we can do without these selfish, greedy thoughtless people.

            You’ve not had sunshine today? Oh the sun has had his hat all day about 20deg, I’ll send you some tomorrow. Goodnight KTG – sleep well.

          • keeptalkinggreece

            waiting for the sunshine…

          • I’m sorry due to cutbacks it won’t let me send any and I’ve only a little today too. Have a great weekend though KTG.

          • keeptalkinggreece

            austerity also in sunshine? have a great weekend too and thanks for the good intensions.

          • Thanks and you’re welcome

  3. I know Papoulias and Papademos aren’t taking their pay, but I see NO sign of austerity from the rest of your politicians. Δροπή !

  4. antoni have you tried screaming, madness, drugs, or groupe therapy yet? ellas to megaleio sou. even when they have no credibility, when they are asking for us to have confidence in them they still think its 2002 and they can do whatever they like. dont they understand that the more they push the difference if us and them the more they bring us to what they claim to want to avoid. national disention. what a bunch of idiots. and im trying to use mild terms. right now back to my meditation. ohmmmmmm

  5. Screaming -check
    Madness -check
    drugs -double check
    group therapy -afraid so… check.
    Lately the name Guy Fawkes spring into my consciousness several times a week. Tell me Vassilis, is that a good sign or bad?
    Mind if I join you now? ohmmmmmmmm

  6. Kt, here’s a hot tip for you: This site will help you to find infos about people and stuff you’ve never heard of! I use it regularly, and that the reason why so many people think I’m a genius with encyclopedic knowledge.

    • keeptalkinggreece never heard of it 🙁 BTW: there time KTG is just too lazy to search 🙂