Saturday , February 15 2025
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Investigation for “Inflated” Rice Sold at Four Supermarket Chains

Athens prosecutor carries an urgent preliminary investigation to determine whether four supermarket chains have committed the crime of profiteering in the sale of rice. The report of Deputy Minister of Development apparently refers to price speculation that reaches 37% to 47%. Due to the complexity of the issue, the case will be assigned to the economic police. The exact percentage of the profiteering has still to be determined.

What is the price of rice in Greece? Mega TV just reported that while farmers sell 2 kilos at 0.50, the consumer pays 2 to 2.5 euro per kilo.

How many more cents do Greek consumers pay to these four super market chains? This has still to be determined.

It’s high time, that the Ministry of Development  start also checking the prices for multinational companies products ( like shampoos, toothpaste, detergents), for which consumers pay exorbitant prices.

Meanwhile, I heard on Alpha TV prime time news, that the Nevrokopi farmers have sold almost all of their potatoes and that the potato prices went up again.

PS Hopefully, the rice-files won’t just go around from one official to the next without result. Consumers need the names of the supermarket chains as well 🙂

rice news source: proto thema

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  1. Rice!! Is that it? Just ONE item being checked for being over priced to the consumer? Oh pppllleeaasssee….the Deputy Minister of Development obviously has no idea that almost every item in the large Supermarkets are GROSSLY OVER PRICED, & in the smaller Supermarkets it’s even worse – need I say more?

  2. I agree with you KTG! All these scandels are being uncovered, but no names & no mention of CONFISCATING!!!!
    Has anyone else noticed that supermarkets are rather empty on Saturdays? I know I go to 2 or 3 of them, depending on the pricing of the items…

  3. Suppose the answer is not to buy rice. Or you could open a supermarket – a sort of basic Tesco (Stack it high, sell it cheap) just selling very basic goods on thin profit margins. Bet you would do very well.

    I go often to an island on holiday. All the ‘supermarkets’ were very expensive and had basically robbed everyone blind for years. A supermarket chain opened and within 2 years all the other smaller stores had gone bust or closed. Now the ‘chain’ has got expensive.

    • keeptalkinggreece

      the islands, the islands… transport of good is so expensive.

      • Oooohh KTG no, no, no- that’s what every Greek person tells me when asked why a particular item is overpriced, and I refuse to believe it…..the costs to export goods the costs to export goods, the cost to export goods – this is just an excuse for greediness and not a reason. You must have seen my post (and others) in another topic about goods being overpriced, so many of us use sites where not only the goods are much much cheaper than here (and better quality for less money) but they are shipped here from other countries a lot farther away than Athens for a fraction of the cost. I wish it wasn’t so, this country needs people to spend here for obvious reasons. Have youself a good week.

        • keeptalkinggreece

          that’s what every official and entrepreneurs says, I should have wrote it in ” ” lol

          • KTG I have done it for you (with a few extra words)lol.
            But…I do speak from experiences – not helping themselves are they? And losing business.

    • iaourti iaourtaki

      Depends on the island. Historically these small supermarkets emerged only for tourists that were afraid of Greek cuisine or were sleeping at the beach and had no money for the restaurant and made the mistake to think supermarket would be cheaper. As long as restaurants are o.k. there is no real need for a supermarket and that could be said in “If you don’t like our cooks pay more or go to a small traditional shop or ask the farmers.” O.k. that’s long ago, back then it was also hard to convince the farmer to make profit instead of giving you all for free but there are still islands that are not totally dependent on tourism and ferry boats with no need for supermarkets.