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Juncker: “Germany & France Act as if they are the Only Members of the Euro-Group”

Head of Euro Group  Jean-Claude Juncker said he’s stepping down as head of eurozone finance ministers group because he is tired of German-French interference. Further he said that the Eurobond eventually will come and added “not under this political atmosphere” meaning most probably Berlin.  

Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean- Claude Juncker said he’s stepping down as head of the group of euro-area finance ministers because he’s tired of Franco-German interference in managing the region’s debt crisis.

“They act as if they are the only members of the group,” Juncker said today at a podium discussion in Hamburg. At the same time, Juncker said he’d “fully support” a potential candidacy of German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble to succeed him at the helm of the Eurogroup.

A decision on replacing Juncker has been postponed until after the second round of France’s presidential election. Juncker has repeatedly stated that he won’t seek to remain in the job. On March 2, he cited “time constraints” as his reason for stepping aside. (Bloomberg)

Juncker spoke also about the necessity of growth despite fiscal discipline and cuts. “We have ways,” Juncker said, adding that there were structural means available that were not being used.   A 10-million-euro capital increase of European Investment Bank could release a triple investment amount. Structural reforms belong also to growth for example in administration of labour market.”We need more Europe” Juncker said and warned at the same time “We break Europe with unification.  We need to deal sensitive with people. ”

PS Did Juncker, the former unionist finally come to his senses? Too late….. I wonder why politicians apparently see unjustice and recognize thier mistake only after they leave office. There is this French film currently running in Greece.  The Minister (French: L’Exercice de l’État / The Exercise of the State). I must definetely go and see it.

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