Saturday , February 15 2025
Home / News / Politics / Golden Dawn Puncher Wants to “Re-Negotiate” with Merkel

Golden Dawn Puncher Wants to “Re-Negotiate” with Merkel

Ilias Kasidiaris, the Golden Dawn MP who punched a Communist MP and threw water to a left-wing one on air, wants to go and meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel in order to negotiate the Memorandum of Understanding.

Training before the meeting

 In a statement, actually an answer to Alexis Tsipras (SYRIZA) who had said that SYRIZA ‘won’t go to Europe and negotiate the MoU like Kasidiaris in ANT1’, the controversial GD MP wrote:

“I will answer to Tsipras with the phrase being heard in coffee-shops to internet these days, everywhere where the heart of the Greeks really beat ‘why don’t we send Kasidiaris to talk with Merkel?’

Non-stop Training

He added:

“We, Greeks, have a very nice and particular way to judge political behaviours and persons. Behind that sentence, one sees the anger of a whole nation and its will to resist to the foreign powers that have brought down the country. To fight against all those who have turned Greece into a pitiable protectorate.”

Full Statemet Here

Seeking heavenly support


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One comment

  1. I am not sure if he knows but Merkel has body guards I imagine and probably he wouldn’t be able to intimidate her even without the body guards. Merkel seems like a very tough lady.