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Where is Greece’s ND-PASOK-DEMLEFT Government?

Greece’s new coalition government is still on the making. ND-leader Antonis Samaras will meet  DEMOCRATICLEFT-leader Fotis Kouvelis at 12.30 noon and with PASOK-leader Evangelos Venizelos one hour later. At the same time representatives from the three parties will continue their negotiations to fine tune the convergence programme of the coalition government.

Media claim that after these two meetings, Samaras would visit the President Karolos Papoulias to receive the mandate to form the government. The official announcement of the ND-PASOK-DEMLEFT coalition is expected to be done later on the day, while the oath may take place even tomorrow Thursday, the latest on Friday.

Samaras currently is holding the mandate to lead exploratory talks to form a government.


Greek media  report that the three parties have practically agreed on main issues, like economy, taxation, labour and security.

 It is allegedly more likely that there is consent on a new taxation bill [that No. XX in the last two years], tax decreases in enterprises and catering VAT, combating illegal immigration and crime, no further wages cuts.

Samaras allegedly prefers a small cabinet with 15 ministers and 20 alternate minister. It looks as if the new cabinet will include also technocrats and not elected personalities.

Nea Dimocratia wants to occupy the ministries of Finance, Defense, Foregin affairs, Interior and Citizens’ Protection (that would most probably unified), Tourism and Maritime (these two will be establish anew).


The central Committee of DEMLEFT decided last night to support the government however not to place MPs in ministerial positions. There is talk that only Manitakis and Roupakiotis, caretaker ministers in Pikrammenos government may participate in the new coalition government. 

“We give vote of confidence to the government,” Fotis Kouvelis said after the meeting with Samaras on Wednesday adding that the announcement of the new government will be announced within 24 hours.

 Behind PASOK’s closed doors there is a real battle taking place, as Venizelos wants to exclude A-class officials from ministerial post. Something that ‘born-to-be-ministers’ party officials have difficulties to swallow.

Media claim that Venizelos managed to success and that there will be not party MPs in the cabinet.

Antonis Samaras has time until tomorrow Thursday, noon time, to form a government. If he fails, he is obliged to return the mandate for exploratory talks to the President and he will give it to Alexis Tsipras, leader of left-wing SYRIZA.

However, it looks as if Samaras will succeed, and Greeks will have again an elected government.

 PS Too bad The Troika will arrive in Athens as soon as  the government takes an oath and ‘threats’ and ‘blackmails’ will start again…

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  1. If DemLeft is not supplying people to the cabinet, and Venizelos has excluded his heavy hitters from becoming part of the cabinet, with himself declining the post of deputy PM, then one cannot wonder but why call this a coalition? It sounds more like a minority government with the support (and I suspect very temporary) of DemLeft and PASOK. Until the time is right for either one to pull the plug…
    We also hear about DemLeft and PASOK concentrating on this Greek Team to renegotiate the MoU, with 3 monthly visits to Brussels/Berlin to report on progress and get concessions.
    It would seem that Samaras is being sidelined here, left to play PM in Greece while Venizelos and Kouvelis go cap in hand to Brussels/Berlin to take orders from the EU mandarins on who to shaft next. Meaning, is Greece to be the protectorate as muted by certain individuals of a Black/Red/Yellow nature and heavily denied as ridiculous by others?
    How long will this last, 3or 4 weeks, 2 months? Any takers on a good guess?