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UPD: PM Samaras’ Letter to EU Leaders Has Been Delivered – Full Text

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras expressed his full commitment to the terms of the bailout programme and asked adjustment in terms of unemployment and recession. In his letter to EU leaders, that was delivered by President Karolos Papoulias at the EU Summit in Brussels, Samaras writes:

“As I informed you, unfortunately I can not attend the European Council today because of eye surgery that had to be done. Greece will be represented by the President of Greek Republic Karolos Papoulias.

I hereby would like to reassure you that Greece is absolutely determined to fulfill the obligations arising from the recent agreement rescue.

The new Greek government accepts ownership of the stabilization program and is fully committed to the goals, objectives and all key policies of the Program. I will accelerate the implementation of the Programme with emphasis on privatization.

Certainly, there is the question of some needed changes to the program to check the unprecedented unemployment and stem the devastating recession in which Greece stands for the fifth consecutive year. This way I will ensure also the achievement of all objectives.

I look forward to our meeting, as soon as doctors allow me to travel. ” (protothema)

“In any case, no decisions are expected to be taken at the EU Summit on the Greek problem ahead of the planned visit to Athens next week by representatives of the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund, known as the troika.” (ekathimerini)

 President Papoulias attends the European Union Summit in Brussels as Samaras is not allowed by his doctors’ to travel due to eye surgery.

Unconfirmed information claim Samaras will not be able to travel for some 40 days and he may miss also other EU Summits. Greek Prime Minister is expected to undergo a further medical check on Saturday.





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