Well.. well.. well… Who celebrates birthday today? German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She is getting 58 years old. On her agenda there are no official appointments, no EU-summits, neither any visits by complaining Greeks and frustrated Spaniards.
in typical OHM… gesture
Angela Merkel uses to celebrate her birthday quietly, together with her husband, enjoying a nice meal.
Don’t you fell like wishing the German Chancellor “Happy Birthday”?
PS My personal birthday present to her is the Saving -of- the – EURO
I would bake her a birthday cake but afraid can’t afford the ingredients since her mates the bankers made me poor 🙁
ooohhhh, poor you!
I think I’ll send her a box set of Hogan’s Heroes!
I sent her my last shirt 😉
used and dirty?
Sure. I’m convinced one of her banking friends has ensured that she can call a washing machine her own.
If only there were a book, “How to lose weight — the IMF way”, we could send a copy.
So life sentence for her massacre bombing in Kunduz won’t be that hard.
Caution! She eats joghurt for breakfast.
Democratic massacres are less evil than fascist!
Pablo Picasso would paint 142 bbqed humans. Merkel is the boss of the Teutonian army. In Guernika responsible was Hitler and in Kundus Mrs. Nobody. Looks like the story with the forced loans: Nazis started to pay it back to Greece but the 4th Reich is laughing arrogant into the faces of the victims.
Is that why some Graffiti say Heil Merkel?
It’s Merkel in the picture? Damn! I thought it was Professor Umbridge…