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Public Opinion Survey: Samaras and ND Lead, Opposition Does Not Gain Support

Almost three months after the the June elections and the establishment of the three-party coalition government, Greeks seem to be giving conservative Nea Dimocratia and Prime Minister Antonis Samaras a “period of mercy” to prove it can manage the situation and the economic crisis. However, public support for ND has decreased when compared to elections results. At the same time, main opposition party left-wing SYRIZA has not managed to gain public’s support, despite the upcoming tsunami of austerity measures. Extreme-right Chrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) has gained support, while former ruling party PASOK has fallen below 10 percent.

In a public opinion survey conducted by ALCO for Sunday newspaper Proto Thema, political parties get:

Nea Dimocratia 24.8% (elections 29.66%)

SYRIZA 22.8% (26.89%)

PASOK 9.8% (12.28%)

CHRYSI AVGI 8.6% (6.92%)


DEMOCRATIC LEFT 5.2% (6.26%)

KKE 4.7% (4.5%)

Other Party 7%, Undecided 10.9%

Among the political leaders, first come Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and Fotis Kouvelis (gov partner and DEMLEFT leader) with 34%. They are followed by Alexis Tsipras (SYRIZA) with 30%,  government partner Evangelos Venizelos (PASOK) 19%, Panos Kammenos (INDEPGREEKS) 23%, Nikos Michaloliakos 18.5% (CHRAVGI) and Aleka Papariga (KKE) 13%.

Less than 30% of the respondants said, they were satisfied by the performance of the government.

As for the main opposition party, 40% of SYRIZA voters declared, they were not satisfied with the performance of the party they voted in June. They said, they wished more “combative” opposition than “long summer vacations” [for party officials and leader Tsipras], while others expressed fatigue over the many different opinions expressed by the several components of SYRIZA.

PS While in daily chats, many complain about the measures to come, what is also heard is “Don’t complain because you voted for them”.  Unfortunately the measures make no distinction about voters of coalition government parties and non-voters. They apply to all. It would be interesting to see public opinion surveys, after the measures are announced… However, Samaras seems to gain public support due to his successful meetings with foreign leaders, IMHO.



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  1. As usual here in Greece, the numbers don’t ad up. 89,7 % total now against a total of 104,92 % during the last elections???
    And what “successful meetings with foreign leaders” did Samaras have? From the side of Europe I was during his visits in Berlin and Paris it sounded like the boy got a spanking. But spin is still healthy and working here, it seems…

    • ‘successful’ in terms that Merkel, Hollande & Co supported Greece remains in the euro, and said that Samaras tries to do a good job in implementing reforms- that’s something and thus better than nothing or getting slaps in the face. that’s the language of politics: say nothing, imply somethings, send a positive message by not sending a direct negative one. Empty words with mass impact lol

      • And it still works.
        In the election campaigns in the US and Holland the central theme seams to be: Lying. The Dutch PM is a great example of the “say nothing, imply somethings, send a positive message by not sending a direct negative one” politicians. But after two mayor ‘distortions of the truth’ he is confronted by the Pinokio-syndrom. The running mate of Romney seems to suffer from the same.
        It might be nice if this Pinokio-syndrom would become a central theme in the Greek press too?

        • central theme in the Greek press? I wouldn’t know who would stumble first on Pinocchio’s nose: the journos or the politicians