Tension prevailed off Farmakonisi island on Wednesday morning, when Turkish coastal guards called a Slovenian patrol boat of EU-Border agency FRONTEX to leave the area and a Greek patrol boat was rushed to clear the territorial issue of the island.
Greek media report that the captain of the Turkish boat called the Slovenian boat to ‘withdraw from Turkish territorial waters”.
The captain of the Slovenian boat refused to obey the Turks, arguing that this was part of the international unit Frontex combating illegal immigration.
A Greek coastguard boat rushed to the spot and reminded the Turkish officers that the Farmakonisi area is in Greek territorial waters and that the Frontext is full licensed to operate in the Eastern Aegean Sea.
According to news portal Zougla.gr:
The captain of the Slovenian boat informed the operation centre about the incident that occurred at 3 a.m. The operation centre sent a Greek coastguard.
The Turkish captain called the Greek boat as well to withdraw from the area. However he received the answer that the area was Greek and that he had to go away.
The Turkish boat attempted to ram the Greek boat, but the Greek captain managed to avoid the ramming and eventually turned towards the Turkish boat causing both boats to collide.
After some very tense moments where even weapons were ‘unlocked’ on both sides, the Greek captain manage to diffuse the dangerous situation.
The Turkish boat left after the area.
Farmakonisi, a small island belonging to Dodecanese group, with some fishermen as residents and an army unit. Turkey does not recognizes it as Greek, although it is 5.5 nautical miles away from the Turkish coast and Turkish sea borders extend just 3 nautical miles off the coast.
Greek Foreign Ministry reportedly prepares a protest note to Turkey.
The Navy or the Defence Ministry did not issued any press release as the Coastal Guard is assigned to Greek Police.
PS All Greeks needed right now would be a confrontation with Turkey over allegations on “disputed zones“.
The Turkish provocations against Greece continue unabated.
I wonder whether the Turkish captain was just a crazy firebrand or whether he acted on higher orders.
Idiocy does not distinguish between race, nationality or religion. It is omni-present with the same inherent dangers, which also do not distinguish between race, nationality or religion.
Greece should let know enough is enough .
Turkey is moving most of it’s forces toward the Syrian border, if it gets invovled in a large scale conflict over there or a larger regional conflict esculates it is time for us to take back Constantinople. Make a excuse for it, do what all the other countries do to rationalize it and get back our history.
The worse it gets on that side the easier it will be for Greece to make a move on this side.
And to hell with the consequences of such a totally insane action. Somehow, in the fantasy land of your suggestion, Turkey is just going to sit back and let this happen, nobody is going to get hurt or killed, and we’ll all live happily ever after, right????
You cannot get back History, it is, by the very nature of things, past tense.
At best, History explains where we are today. What happens tomorrow is determined by the intelligence and compassion in our actions of today, not by History. History will eventually record these actions, and judge them on their intelligence.
Unintelligent, incompassionate actions tend to show in the records of History as going hand in hand with lots of death, prolonged human suffering and needless destruction.
Instead of preaching misguided, dangerous opportunism, you might want to engage the brain first.
Better send your tanks and subs blitz to Berlin to pick up WW-2 compensation. It will be easy cuz shocked Krauts are not so trained in murder anymore. Way back home take the Swiz money and gold but don’t fill up your submarines too much.
We should show them we had enough. While Turkey is moving most of it’s forces toward the Syrian border, if it gets invovled in a large scale conflict over there or a larger regional conflict esculates it is time for us to take back Constantinople. Make a excuse for it, do what all the other countries do to rationalize it and get back our history.
The worse it gets on that side the easier it will be for Greece to make a move on this side.
for the time being, they(troika) are taking from us the last dirty trouser, so I see no chance for Greeks to take back Constantinople/Constantanoble – now or ever -. Furthermore, you must think of the demograpic problems: 1) Less than 10 million Greeks will have to integrate some 15 million Turks 2) you can’t deportate Turks because you have not enough Greeks to inhabit the city of your dreams – think of all the young 25-35 going abroad to work.
Same shit, different wording? Same response…
also same shit with same wording. but too much shit lands into my trash-box, therefore another reply by m.a. to you was not approved 🙂