Unbelievable! German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in Athens wearing a lime green jacket. A jacket she also was wearing when she watched the football match between Germany and Greece. In June 22, 2012 during the EURO tournament. When broke Greeks went home defeated 4-2 by the German team.
Euphoric: German Chancellor Angela Merkel celebrates after Philip Lahm scores against Greece in the quarter-final via DailyMail
Merkel – Samaras at Maximos Mansion
Merkel -Samaras Athens Airport
I would dare say, that she even wears the same white top under the jacket. But definitely not the same trousers.
June 2012 October 2012
Politely, we could call this a ‘diplomatic faux pas’, a diplomatic wrong step, or a sign of tasteless . Her wardrobe advisor who should be fired immediately.
Unpolitely? Oh, well… ‘provocative’? Or ‘brainless’?
I hope that she washed the jacket. Or she wants to say “Look, I also cut my protocol budget!”.
Maybe it’s her “lucky jacket” LOL
ahahaha! Merkel-Samaras 4-2
Frau Merkel hat sich nicht geändert : Das gleiche herrschsüchtige Ekelpaket wie eh und je . . . da wundert man sich wirklich nicht, wenn dieses Bild (leider) auf alle Deutschen übertragen wird und man uns allein schon deswegen hasst . . . wird Zeit, dass die kleine Führerin von der Bildfläche verschwindet. Hoffentlich wählen die Deutschen bei der nächsten Wahl mal was brauchbares an die Macht . . .