Two days ago KTG received this thoughtful and compansionate Christmas message, composed and sent by a Greek migrant living in Australia since 30 years. This ol’ chap came back to Athens over the Christmas holidays and feels apparently extremely annoyed for not being cheered up with happy XMAS stories, but has to read about depressing things like taxes, families without income and so on.
His message had the sensible title “Sas varethikame” (= We got bored of you).
“I love Greece is my country even if I have been living away for 30 years. Greece lives very difficult times and the Greeks together .but your programme and some others give nothing but SADNESS DESPERATION AND PHYSOLOGIGAL PROBLEMS .
Is Xmas why don’t you have a F……….g brake and chear the ppl with happy stories XMAS songs like we had many years back .
Mrs Kanelli shut your mouth and get a breath and then give a Smile.
Have you any cuts from your money your self.?”
As I am deeply touched by the festive spirit of the message, here is my happy program contribution to cheer up a guy who obviously picked up the wrong country to spend his Christmas holidays.
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YouTube Direkt
PS I really cannot say what they drink or smoke, down there in Australia….
Explanation: “Mrs Kanelli” is an MP of KKE.
Thank you for the nice christmas classic…. Happy Christmas…and to Liana K. too…
How rude! Maybe we should all write happy things …even when we don’t feel happy. Also if your reader would like to swap places with me he can live permanently in his beloved Greece and I can go and live in my ideal dream country ‘Australia’.
BTW Merry Christmas to you!
There is a saying in television and radio, “if you don’t like the programming you can turn the dial to another station”.
Merry Christmas to the people of Greece and every KTG watcher – even the grumpy ones.
In this guy’s defense, he is correct, but his delivery method leaves a lot to be desired. Just best if he keeps it positive himself and others will be moved. But, just ordinary Grinia (complaining) begets more complaining, which it just did by a few posters above. He complained about Greece and then they (posters above) complained about him, and now in a way I’m complaining too.
So, I’ll end the cycle and wish all a Happy Christmas in austerity laden Greece.
Kai sto xorio sas eixate xristougena? Mpa?
Merry, Kalla, Christmas, Hristougenna.
To all the people on this earth. Live in peace and be happy that you are who you are.
I was listening to some Greek music from the 50’s and 60’s and they certainly lift ones spirit up.
Share a smile with someone today.
Merry Christmas to you too Aetos 🙂
I forgot to say.