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Home / News / Economy / Greek PPC electricity hikes: 8.6%-9.2% for households, 10-12% for commercial use

Greek PPC electricity hikes: 8.6%-9.2% for households, 10-12% for commercial use

Greek Public Power Corporation raised electricity bills 8.6%-9.2% for private households and 10%-12% for commercial, industrial and agricultural use. The hikes will be in effect retroactives from 1. January 2013, while two additional increases will occur within the next six months.

                  The hikes refer to energy cost, fee and CO2 emission rights

The hikes announced by Environment Ministry on Sunday are lower than those proposed by PPC (DEH). At the same times the so-called “social tariffs” for economic weak, disable people, people with serious health conditions and mechanical support and families with three children will be expanded. These groups of electircity consumer will pay 35-45 euro less dependin gon the category they belong.

In real life bills, househols with consumption up to 1200 kWh quarterly will be charges with additional 17 euros. That is 194 euro from 177 euro (taxes and other fees exluded).

DEH hikes

Tweo more hikes will take palce on 1. May and 1. July 2013.

The hikes are in the context of the upcoming and Troika imposed “electricity price freedom” (as of 1.July 2013) and the EU CO2 emission rights (carbon dioxin fees).

Electricity hikes are one of Troika’s preconditions for the disbursement of the second tranche of the loan to Greece.

BTW: does anyone knows if other EU energy consumbers pay for the COs emission rights?

PS I didn’t know, the Troika was concerned about the environment lol


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  1. they call it CARBON tax in ireland and it extends this year to solid fuel

    • I though companies should pay for this, not consumers
      interestign how it was applied in several countries: wikipedia/Carbon Tax

      • Have you ever known a company not to pass on an expense? Cyril will probably remember this. Some years ago, when the WEE directive was implemented in Ireland, the then minister for the environement, “Tricky Dicky”, was parading himself everywhere he could, boasting about how he had set this up in such a way that it would not affect the consumer. Impossible, this was the perfect consumer friendly law. And then it became reality… Signs appeared immediately, everywhere, that the return of an electrical appliance for disposal would cost anything between 2 an 5 €, depending on the size of the appliance. It was a “compulsary service”.A possibility not anticipated by Tricky Dicky in his laws… Tricky Dicky is now on the same lecture circuit as Papandreou, Ahern etc, and runs a consultancy agency on environmental issues…
        Somehow, I always thought this type of “law” was dreamed up by guys like Tricky Dicky so that they could then go off and make even more money using their laws to their advantage.
        Carbon tax/credits system is just another bubble, created to allow the chosen few to make a lot of money, while doing absolutely nothing about their intended purpose. Once again, Joe Soap pays…

  2. Since you are asking, a common price in Sweden would be:

    1.07 SEK per kwh (tax would be 0.55 including CO2 emissions and VAT), which in your case would equal 1284 SEK or 150 Euros. This only includes the electricity and not the network fees (you can choose different providers for network and electricity in Sweden).

    However, it gets trickier than that, since usually your network provider also charges you like 0.25 SEK per kwh in “transfer fees”, in addition to quarterly fees of about 80 Euros, so, in total it would be 280 Euros for your example, the biggest share of it in taxes and fees.

    Please note, that this is just one example (and not the cheapest), it all depends on which company you choose as a customer and where you live.

    • thanks for the info, Andreas. here too the biggest share of electricity bill is taxes, fees and taxes and taxes. and with the emergency property tax on ele-bill I get every time pretty dizzy when I get one.

  3. “BTW: does anyone knows if other EU energy consumbers pay for the COs emission rights?”

    Since January 1 2013 every power company in EU has to buy 100% of it’s CO2 emmisions. Currently 1 tonne of CO2 trades at around 6 euros.