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Heartbreaking video: Dog weeps and tries to revive killed buddy (video)

It is really heartbreaking: a dog weeps, pushes and softly barks at his female buddy killed by a car. He does his best to revive her. When volunteers from an animal welfar rush to the spot, the dog refuses to get into their car unless they pick up also his dead friend.

dog weeps killed buddy

Monday, 4. March 2013, short after 9 p.m.

Aanimal welfare organization of Ilioupolis (Eastern Athens) receives a call about a dog killed by a car. Two volunteers rush to the spot to see one of the most tragic pictures of their lives.

A female dog lays dead on the pavement hit by a car.

Next to her, her excited buddy. He weeps and barks softly, jumps around her. He pushes her with his paw, nudges her head with his snout, he licks her. He does everything he can to revive her.


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The volunteers write in their Facebook page and in YouTube:

“We tried to collect the body, but the dog would not let us. He kept push her, lick her, nudge her. Then he changed his tactic. He barked at her and tried to pull her. When he saw that she wouldn’t react, he laid in sorrow next to her and started weeping.

He wouldn’t come to our car, if we wouldn’t take his friend as well.

We took a bag from a shop and finally we picked up both.

The boy will spend the night in the car of a volunteer. What will happen tomorrow, we don’t know.

Can somebody foster him?

Phone numbers – mobile: +30 6936631269 and 6945598760″

Photo: Scroll down for English

Αυτός είναι ο Buddy, ο σκυλάκος που μας έκανε όλους να δακρύσουμε όταν χτες 4 Μαρτίου, θρηνούσε τον θάνατο της φιλενάδας του, προσπαθώντας να την κάνει να "ξυπνήσει".  Ο Buddy είναι ακόμα θλιμμενος, ακόμα ψάχνει, ακόμα κλαψουρίζει.  Τον πήραμε κοντά μας και του δώσαμε την υπόσχεση να μην ξαναβγει στον δρόμο.  Ελπίζουμε οτι ο Buddy δεν θα ξεχαστεί σε λίγες μέρες και ότι θα βρεθεί κάποιος να του προσφέρει ένα σπίτι.  Είναι μεσαίου μεγέθους, μαλλιαρούλης, περιπου 4 ετών.  Είναι καλός με θηλυκά σκυλιά και σε λίγες μέρες θα ξέρουμε πως θα είναι και με γάτες.  Θα πρέπει να γίνουν εξετάσεις αίματος, στείρωση, εμβολιασμός και τοποθέτηση microchip.  Όποιος ενδιαφέρεται σοβαρά για τον Buddy, μπορεί να καλέσει στο 6936631269. Θα δοθεί μόνο εντός Αττικής για μεσα στο σπίτι.

This is Buddy, the doggy that made us cry, when yesterday, March the 4th, he was mourning for the death of his friend, trying to "wake" her up.  Buddy is very very sad and is still looking for her.  We gave him the promise that he wont be out in the streets again.  We hope he will not be forgotten and that someone will offer to him a home.  He is medium sized and about 4 years old.  He is very friendly with females and in a few days we ll be able to tell more about his character.  He needs to be blood tested, neutered, vacinnated and microchipped.  If you are interested about Buddy, please call at 6936631269.

The dog volunteers now call Buddy is a real beauty, even thought still very sad over the loss… He will be given for foster or adoption only within Attica prefecture.

“He is medium sized and about 4 years old.  He is very friendly with females and in a few days we ll be able to tell more about his character.  He needs to be blood tested, neutered, vacinnated and microchipped.  If you are interested about Buddy, please call at 6936631269”. From Facebook page of  Ilioupolis Animal Welfare Union 

If you want to help  but cannot adopt the dog, you can use:

1) the Paypal account of  Ilioupolis Animal Welfare Union: Paypal e-mail  [email protected]

2) Bank account of Ilioupolis Animal welfare union:

Agricultural Bank of Greece (ATE Bank)

040 01 0189 23 11
ΙΒΑΝ GR03 0432 0450 0004 0010 1892311

PS needless to say, that the car driver hit the dog and left to unknown direction…

pictures via nonews-news &




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One comment

  1. Thanks for publishing this. Most of us know you love animals and are one of the Greeks who wish to do something.

    Think of it like when Greeks press Americans about Bush. We are not all Bush supporters, just like all Greeks are not animal haters.

    Thanks again, and keep up the good work on animal rights.