I have the feeling Greece tries to steal the media focus currently busy with Cyprus. Otherwise I have no logical explanation for two news items coming from Greece. Maybe Greek authorities were alarmed to hear all these Cypriot citizens demanding “catharsis” for those who threw the country into such an economic crisis.
Nevertheless, a Greek prosecutor issued an arrest order ordered the arrest of the sister of the ex wife of former Defense Minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos.
According to Greek media reports, the sister is alleged to have on own account bribes money from Greek armament programs.
“New evidence from prosecutors research show that the sister (E. Stoffregen ?) of Tsochatzopoulos’ first wife (Gudrun Moldenhauer-Tsochatzopoulos has been involved in the case. The prosecutor ordered an arrest warrant against Stoffregen for money laundering.
The prosecutor found 1,455,00 Swiss Franc in a bank account, which has a second owner. Against this person an arrest warrant has been issued as well.
This amount had left the company MIE to be transferred to an account owned by by the son of an offshore owner and from there it was transferred to the account of Gudrun’s sister” (via Zougla.gr)
Lagarde List
Hardly this news made the rounds, newspaper Proto Thema published on its online edition names, code numbers and amounts contained in the infamous Lagarde List with names of alleged tax evaders.The list was stolen from HSBC, Geneva branch.
The list sheet posted by Proto Thema bears “SDOE” (Financial Crime units of Greek tax authorities) on top.
According to Proto Thema, the list was sent by SDOE to special committee at the Greek Parliament that currently investigates the Lagarde list and the involvement of former Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou who is claimed to have removed the names of three relatives from the Lagarde list.
So far Proto Thema has uploaded three of a total 54 pages.
PS OK the people on Lagarde List have several million dollars/euros on their accounts. OK, Tsochatzopoulos made bribes distribution a family affair. So what? Are you jealous for your miserable 1000-euro salary and the 360-euro unemployment allowance?