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Home / News / Politics / Greek gov’t grants “tax immunity” to Troika members: villas, luxury boats & co without ‘money source’ declaration

Greek gov’t grants “tax immunity” to Troika members: villas, luxury boats & co without ‘money source’ declaration

Greek government has prepared a tax exemption provision, specially dedicated to the personnel of European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the Task Force. The personnel of our beloved Troika, especially those permanently living in Greece will no be obliged to make tax declarations like the Greek average mortals.

They can buy villas, luxury cars and boats and throw over board the laws they personally impose into the Greeks.

Greek media describe the special provision as ‘photographic’ and especially tailored to the Troikans.

Paragraph 4 or Article 30 of the new Income Tax Code provides that the provisions of Articles 31-34 of the same Code, which concerns the determination of income based on the living assumptions  and acquisitions of assets do not apply to “any natural person working in an institution of the European Union or the international organization which is installed under an international treaty that applies to Greece. ”

Practically, this means, that all these foreigners representatives of the Troika and the EU Task Force (“call me Reichenbach. Horst Reichenbach”) will be able to buy villas, luxury IX, luxury boats, and even shares in the Greek Stock Exchange or buy Greek government bonds without having the obligation to report to the tax office where did they find for their ‘playground investments’.

Foreign personnel of international organizations is anyway exempted from paying taxes (call me Lagarde. Christine Lagarde!”)

But that they won’t to have to declare where did they find the money from, made my Greek grandpa say a simple but meaningful Greek word: “Oust*!“.

Grandpa claimed, they should also should be subject to investigation if not on tax evasion,they should at least be subject to investigation that the money they invest has crystal clear sources and has not come through some dark or dubious corridors.

“Tax declaration and paying taxes is one thing, declaring where did you find one million euro is another, ” grandpa said.

But what does grandpa know? He is over 90…



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  1. Modern day ‘Troikan Horse’


  3. Hi,

    is there any information about who started this tax exemption?
    Exept from the troika, I bet that there are now many greeks from EU parliament and other EU institutions who are now quite happy with this law…
    So was it really on behalf of the troika?