What’s the purpose of this waste of money and time? And thus in a labor market environment that moves with a speed of quicksand responding even to the touch of a light tree leaf? Greek Labor Ministry wants to register all employees across the country. You know all these workers for 500-700 euro who may found themselves without a job… tomorrow.
September 15 will start the online registration of all workers and companies in the private sector through the program “Ergane”. The process will need two months and will end on November 15th, 2013.
The announcement was made by Labour Minister Yiannis Vroutsis after a meeting with several officials in charge of labor issues.
“On November 16 we will have the accurate and precise “X-ray” of employees and in detail: how many, who and where do they work, what wages they receive and what type of contract they have.”
The news was not explaining what’s the purpose of this registration: probably combat uninsured work. But even most likely to record the employees for the statistics.
I assume, if they cross-check on November 17th they will find out that a number of the employees have no job anymore and/or that the companies have closed down. But Greeks will have been registered and add their share to national and EU statistics.
Ps there is not third world country I know that is not eager to fill up statistics sheets.