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Athens: angry citizen throws a handful of coins at IMF’s Poul Thomsen

I tell you and I said this before: Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio until November 10th and you should be very well aware of this fact. Unpleasant incidents and ugly things can happen in the direction of disturbed communication. Bizarre arguments? Confused thinking? Unexpected aggression? Tilt in publishing, writing and editing? Delays in traveling*?  It’s the retrograde Mercury, my friends!

An example of the real irritating and utmost annoying impact of retrograde Mercury was experienced by Poul Thomsen, the Danish representative of International Monetary Fund in Greece.

When Poul Thomsen arrived at the Greek Finance Ministry in downtown Athens on Tuesday morning for a meeting with Yiannis Stournaras, you know what happen?

An angry citizen threw some coins at him. Greek media claim the motive of the citizen was to protest the Troika-imposed austerity measures in the third year of loan agreements. the well-known austerity measures  that have left the majority of the citizens of this country with a handful of euro coins instead of a full monthly salary.

Mercury may have had a short positive influence on the flying journey of the coins that fell tingling on Thomsen’s car and not on Thomsen’s head. However the negative impact was not avoided.

The citizen was detained and brought to police headquarters.

It is not known how Thomsen survived the shock.

I suppose neither IMF-Thomsen, nor the angry and frustrated Greek citizen were aware of the powerful and scary astrological phenomena.

Therefore: For the shake of your well-being, forward this message to 15 Friends.

A young man, 24, who did not forward this message to 15 friends, was hired to work for 300 euro/48h week per month. Gross.

A father of two, who claimed he had no time for such idiotic serial warning, found himself without job at the age of 52, never able to get a job again.

A bed-ridden woman, 90, who did not forward this message,  saw her pension of 600 euro cut down to 450 euro. OK, she did not have 15 friends to forward this message, but that’s another story…

PS If you notice mistakes and typos in recent KTG’s posting, they are due to retrograde Mercury, of course.  If you notice mistakes and typos in KTG’s posting all of the time, they are due to the fact that KTG was born with a permanent retrograde Mercury hanging over the blog-creator’s head.

*Delays in transport: see strike schedule in Greece’s public transport and air traffic controllers on Nov 6/2013. See what I mean?

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  1. You make my day. Keep writing this stuff!

    Now seriously, I follow your journalism and I think it’s great – quite sincere and honest. I wonder if some of you guys were working at Athens News. I suppose you were.

    Either way, keep up the good work, both serious and sarcastic. It keeps me well-inform on the latest about my beloved Athens and Greece.

    Saludos desde Buenos Aires!

    • keeptalkinggreece

      no, you suppose wrong (Mercury retrograde, you see?). we never worked at the Athens News.
      thanks for reading KTG and keep reading whether Mercury retrograde or not.