Many internet users were convinced the poster uploaded on Nea Dimokratia Facebook page it was a troll. A bad intended joke to make fun of the latest, much-chewed and much-heard ND-campaign slogan accompanying every move of Greek prime minister Antonis Samaras. The famous slogan Greeks have to hear at least five times per day is “By order of PM Samaras”.
By order of Prime Minister Samaras
€17,000,000 euro
from ‘bribes’ return to Greek people
They will be distributed:
for surgeries of uninsured citizens
free accommodation for poor students
personal computers with special training programs for blind pupils
*the 17million euro are money returned to the state registers by some of those who had dealt with bribes in defense deals.
Hardly was the poster uploaded, the PM’s office texted to journalists, the following sms:
“Returning from Brussels Prime Minister Antonis Samaras ordered pilot of govt jet to fly to Kefalonia instead of Athens, where the Prime Minister decided to spend the night.”
No, these are not trolls. It is the pure truth launched by the communication team of the prime minister. Since a couple of days everything in this country is done “by order of Prime Minister A. Samaras”. A slogan apparently the central pillar of the communication strategy of Nea Dimokratia ahead the municipality and EU-elections.
Even the state mechanism after the earthquake in Kefalonia was activated “by order of PM Samaras” and the “state of emergency” on the island was declared “by order of PM Samaras”, of course. Read this article in enetenglish. It’s an order! 🙂
Twitter #hasttag #me_entoli_Samara (#by order of Samaras) and here
PASOK strong reaction
Samaras’ junior coalition partner PASOK launched heavy criticism on Nea Dimokratia communication team for the poster that made the whole Greece laugh.
PASOK communication secretary Dimitris Karydis wrote on his Facebook page:
“With a ghastly poster on facebook (which resembles the ad of a well-known past company) Nea Dimokratia attempts petty gains from the great efforts made by the coalition government and the Justice so that “bribes” money returns to the state.
(ND) does not hesitate to expose itself and the Prime Minister, by showing him to adopt *Mavrogialouros’ practices. ND leadership should stop the brainless before the complete humiliation.” (source)
Τhe incidents where PASOK is criticizing ND’s choices and statements have increased in recent weeks. But the coalition government remain. Should PASOK withdraw form the coalition, Nea Dimokratia is unable to govern as it doesn’t have the parliamentary majority and other coalition gov’t partners are absent.
Early elections would be imminent, something that neither Venizelos nor Samaras want.
Greece’s coalition government stands on very fragile majority of 153 seats (ND 127, PASOK 27) in a parliament of 300. One ND lawmaker (Giakoumatos) implied today, he might step down due to the prosecution of his brother and his wife two days ago.
The draft bill for the privatization of electricity transfer company (ADMHE) passed today with just 151 votes from the coalition MPs. The opposition voted against with 122 votes.
*Mayvrogialouros based on the protagonist of Greek film from 1965, Mayvrogialouros ( a minister for public construction) has become a synonym of the corrupt political world.
Reminds me of the German akronym GröFaZ.
Which we understand manly in the form latter mentioned at wikipedia (“Größter Führer aller Zeiten”). I leave it up to you to explain this to KTG-Readers 🙂
pfui, Gaby! No comparison. but somebody should slowly start comparing ‘economic & political dictatorship’.