Incredibly short before the elections, Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras saw the light. Two years after running Greece’s finances, Stournaras realized that it was the employees and pensioners bearing the load of over taxation and coming up for the obligations of the debt-ridden country.
“It’s time for the rich to pay,” Stournaras told private ANT1 TV on Wednesday adding that he was not happy about the results of the fight against tax evasion.
And he added another ‘bonus’ to the tax-drained Greek voters: “The emergency solidarity levy may be removed” – but after the elections, so when the budget for 2015 has been worked out.
Yiannis Stournaras to ANT1
“A big fight against tax evasion will be given. In this filed, I can’t say, I am completely happy. But I have the feeling that we chase the “usual suspects”, the employees, the pensioners, the small tradesmen. I would like to see more effort against those we call ‘middle and big fish’, those who do evade taxes and live at the cost of the others.”
Greek Finance Minister said further that the stabilization of the economy opens the way to abolish the emergency solidarity levy, while target of the economic team is the reduction of taxation rates and the relief of social groups most affected by the crisis. (source)
Emergency solidarity levy is 1%-4%.
PS I suppose had there be no elections ahead Stournaras would still be draining “the usual suspects”, the employees and pensioners who cannot evade taxes. Yiannis Stournaras is a non-elected minister affiliated with PASOK.