Unemployment in Greece dropped to 26.8% in March when it was at 27.2% in March 2013 and at 26.9% the previous month. The number of unemployed is 1, 274,843 people. According to Greek Statistics Authority (ELSTAT) unemployment among youth 15-24 years old still remains high with 58.3% and women are still without job at 30.8%.
PS I keep this post short because I realized that many of my readers have psychological problems to deal with the ‘good news’ of the last two days. However we should be cautious! Because ELSTAT said that the figures were ‘revised’ when compared to previous statistics. What does it mean? That ever since ELSTAT started to use population data based on the census of 2011, the numbers look rosy and full of perspective.
I should even dare note that maybe the whole idea of the huge Greek debt was a grave mistake as it was based on wrong statistics, wrong data, wrong GDP and wrong people.