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Home / News / Society / Very Mix / Athens: Loukanikos, the famous riot dog, passed away

Athens: Loukanikos, the famous riot dog, passed away

Loukanikos, the famous riot dog of Athens has apparently passed away. According to newspaper Avgi Online, the famous four-legged passed away already last May. He was a little over ten years old. Loukanikos became famous and gains admirers all over the world when he ‘led’ the anti-austerity protests in Athens.


Picture by KTG: Syntagma Loukanikos at 25. May 2011 anti-austerity protest

Loukanikos or Thodoris -as the family that had offered him a shelter called him – retired from his duty as professional protester in summer 2012. The family in charge of him had considered it was too dangerous for him to continue taking part in protests and clashes with riot police. Apart from the fact, that he had become much too famous for a dog and this could pose some risk for his life.


KTG-picture: Athens University 14. May 2011 – protest

According to AvgiOnline, Loukanikos health was damaged from too much inhaling of tear gas.

The family that was hosting Loukanikos described his last moments: “He was laying on the couch, sleeping. Suddenly his heart stopped beating. Thodoris had gone.”


TIME Magazine Cover: Protester of the year 2011

Loukanikos, the legendary “stray”, gained world fame for one reason:  he wouldn’t miss a single protest day since 2010.


What if tear gas was fired, there was no air to breath and flares would explode right next to him. Loukanikos was just there to defend the people’s rights catching a tear gas device, barking at riot policemen ( occasionally at cabs too).


Rest In Peace, dear Loukanikos, ou will always be in our hearts ….



Kicked by riot cop…

For amazing Loukanikos’s stories and actions, see here

see also AvgiOnline



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One comment

  1. RIP, brave Loukanikos! ♥