SYRIZA candidate Rachil Makri claimed that Greece would print 100billion euro in case the European Central Bank would stop the funding. Speaking to regional television network Flash in Kozani, Makri said:
“The emergency ELA will be activated and we can print at the Bank of Greece up to 100 billion euro.”
Asked if this the position of SYRIZA, Makri claimed “this is what we will do, it is provided by the eurozone Treaty”. (sources here , here)
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Prompt was the reaction of Nea Dimokratia with its spokeswoman Maria Spyraki commenting “SYRIZA declares via candidate Makri that it will print money if ECB funds are stopped.” And asked
“Why wouldn’t they print €300billion to get rid of the debt?”
Stupid question. They will be allowed to print UP to €100 billion 😛
A little later, several Greek media quoted SYRIZA sources saying that “What we have said this is valid” and that “Printing money was never on the table.”
Rachil Makri is a former nationalist Independent Greeks MP, who became independent MP after disagreement with the party leader and joined SYRIZA short after the elections proclamation.
Just when I come around to thinking that SYRIZA may be up to something good, I read such nonsense. Who is that madman? Are there more people like him in SYRIZA? I hope not!!!
why upset? every household will print in private printer according to needs.
ok; let’s forget about it; let’s have some ouzo and dance!!!
exactly. let’s have an ouzo to some brainless statements.
I want to remind that ELA (Emergency Liquidity Assistance) is on the risk of national central bank – in this case on Greek central bank, but The ECB must approve this emergency funding. Should Syriza print this money even without The ECB’s permission?
I don;t think she was much aware of what she was talking about.
My thoughts exactly, as well. If Greek government pushed Greek central bank into this action without permission of The ECB I assume heavily that at that very moment Greece would be detached from TARGET2-system and it would mean returning into Drahmas in matter of seconds, not minutes.
You’re too nice 😉