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Tsipras complains to EU for Ukraine statement without consulting Greece

Hardly was Greece’s new Prime Minister sworn-in – he hadn’t even announced his new cabinet- and Alexis Tsipras picked up the phone to complain to European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini about a joint EU statement asking for sanctions against Russia. Greece’s discomfort had to do with the fact the “EU  had not consulted with Greece before issuing the statement in the name of European member states.

Tsipras’ office told Reuters that the EU should still have secured consent from Athens before issuing this statement.

“In this context, we underline that it does not have our country’s consent. Dissatisfaction with the handling of this was expressed in a telephone conversation between the prime minister and the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs Mogherini,” the statement [from Greek PM’s office] said.

In a rare joint statement, EU leaders voiced concern about the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine and condemned the killing of civilians in the “indiscriminate shelling” of Mariupol.

They asked their foreign ministers to consider possible new sanctions against Russia in response although a final decision is expected to be left until a summit next month.

“Greece has had traditionally good relations with Russia and never strongly supported sanctions against Moscow,” Reuters notes.

FOR UPDATES check Dirty Little EU Games with Russia and Greece? Foreign Minister Kotzias in Brussels to FM’s Russia-Summit

PS Yeap! that’s how diplomacy works 🙂

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  1. New government has to be very careful, Russia is a terrorist state and has not interest in developing either Russia or Greece. We know what is happening with greek economy but it is no excuse to seek out Russia, it is completely negative.

    • Russia is not a terrorist state.

      The United States has been caught red-handed supplying weapons and supplies to terrorist organizations, or having them be conveniently captured by them.

      Read more than your daily newspaper, watch more than CNN before you think to spread your opinion. Your ignorance doesn’t only show; it hurts.

  2. A good beginning. I hope Tsipras will help EU liberate itself from the US influence and act as an independent geopolitical unit. Good luck, Tsipras.

  3. If this indicates that Tsipras is trying to lean on Russia then one can only hope he’ll show more maturity in other issues.

  4. There are People who think that Greece should write to all of the European Union Governments and remind them that the European Union Treaty says that the European Union is based on Consensus of every Member Country.

    The Leading Countries of the Continental European Union are only second only to Anglo-America in Responsibility and Guilt as to what is happening in Ukraine.

    There are Many People who will provide Logical Proof as to why there has not been enough time to conclude which side is Responsible for what happened in Mariupol, and we know that the European Union was able to Purchase a Nobel Peace Prize, and what this means is that they need to be Honest and Impartial and listen to all sides before making such a statement.

  5. Think that behind Tsipras are the U.S. Government, thats why it was too easy for him to win the elections, here in Greece we watch him a long period of time, his ways (talking, marketing, a lot of financial sponsoring) are a copy/paste of the Andreas Papandreou an ex prime minister also an agent of the US. Their target is through him to control Europe, make the dollar stronger and also Putin.

  6. #5 What? US trying to control EU and they need Tsipras to do it? LOL!

  7. Finnally one goverment who says stop to the confrontation with Russia! Why Kiev Govermnt dont allow foood and medical material for the separatist zone? Why the public cinema in Kiev was flamed in the last months of the former year? and Why more then 50 people died in Odessa Massacre? And why the the few youth of Ukrainia is sending to the army without any militar formation? For olicharcs mantain the power in UKraine? Thank You Mr. Tsipras for not be a sheep like my prime minister!

  8. Why is Russia allowed to have its own soldiers in Ukraine? Why is Russia allowed to be ignored when they send their new models of tanks, artillery, and weaponry? Why should we ignore Russia’s terrorism of neighboring countries when the excuse is that a conspiracy must be out against them? There is no conspiracy, Putin wants to destroy Russia and flee the country with his billions safely.