In a statement issue early hours of Thursday, the Greek Finance Ministry stressed that the Greek banking system is “adequately capitalized and fully protected through access to the Emergency Liquidity Assistance” and that the ECB puts pressure on the Eurogroup to proceed rapidly to a new agreement between Greece and its partners.
Below the statement (translation by KTG – first paragraph omitted as it refers to ECB announcement):
“This decision does not reflect in no case any negative developments in the country’s financial sector and comes two days after its substantial stabilization. According to the European Central Bank (ECB), the Greek banking system remains adequately capitalized and fully protected through access to the ELA.
The European Central Bank (ECB) by taking and announcing this decision puts pressure on the Eurogroup to proceed rapidly and conclude a new mutually beneficial agreement between Greece and its partners.
The government daily widens the circle of consultations with partners and institutions to which it belongs, remains unwavering in its goal of a social salvation program approved by the vote of the Greek people, and it consults with view to draw up the European policy that will finally ends theself-reinforcing crisis of Greek social economy.”
picture via @georgeevgenidis
BTW: the FinMin could also issue such important statements directly in English.
PS ok the FinMin statement is also a bit political, but the ECB decision was political too , after all…