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The Contra-Narrative: EU’s elites blackmail Greece

There is a another narrative to the usual “Greece doesn’t deliver”, “Greece sent reform list for the garbage bin”, “Greece does not try enough” and all the other nice things we have been reading since the new Greek government came into power. The counter-narrative is called: EU’s elites blackmail Greece. We don’t read or hear a lot about it but when we do, such articles have a true rarity value.

Below is an excerpt of exactly such an article posted on Al Jazeera website as the standoff between Greece and the ex Troika (EU, IMF, ECB) is taking place in Brussels:

Destroying the Greek economy in order to save it
European authorities are using dirty tactics to bring Greece to heel

There is a tense standoff right now between the Greek government and the so-called troika — the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). ECB President Mario Draghi went so far this week as to deny that his institution is trying to blackmail the Greek government.

But blackmail is actually an understatement of what the troika is doing to Greece. It has become increasingly clear that they are trying to harm the Greek economy in order to increase pressure on the new Greek government to agree to their demands.


It could hardly be more obvious that this is not about money or fiscal sustainability, but about politics. This is a government that European authorities didn’t want, and they wish to show who is boss. And they really don’t want this government to succeed, which would encourage Spanish voters to opt for a democratic alternative — Podemos — later this year.

(The IMF’s growth projection) would likely have kept Syriza’s approval ratings high, together with its measures to provide food and electricity to needy households, and other progressive changes. The ECB’s actions, by destabilizing the economy and discouraging investment and consumption, will almost certainly slow Greece’s recovery, and could also be expected to undermine the government’s support.

If carried too far, European officials’ actions could also inadvertently force Greece out of the euro — a dangerous strategy for all concerned. They should stop undermining the economic recovery that Greece will need if it is to achieve fiscal sustainability. (full article Al Jazeera English)

Perfect match to previous articles by KTG 🙂

Just this morning, I wrote How the Greek government is trapped in the Gordian Knot built by the ex Troika and the previous government.

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  1. The neo-liberal maffia dictating things in Europe cannot afford to let the Greek government have even a resemblance of something approaching success. The Greek government is the ONLY left-wing government in Europe, but… there are election coming in Ireland, and the latest opinion polls do not show a favourable outcome for the pro-EU government parties, or any of the right-wing parties at that. As it stands, the big winners are Sinn Fein and the independents. There are elections coming in Spain, with Podemos looking to score very big while the ruling right wing parties are in for a serious hammering. There are elections looming in the UK, where the circus party UKIP stands to gain big at the expense of the pro EU parties. The ruling EU elite simply cannot afford any success for the Greek government, because it would strenghten the hand of others who don’t like being squeezed for every drop of blood they have, and more… so expect this to get very, very dirty. The best thing the Greek government can do right now is stop trying to play ball with the EU and tell these boyes were to go, and walk away from the whole stinking lot. Varoufakis rightfully says Greece has a noose around its neck. What he seems to fail to see is that no matter what, unless Greece capitulates and does exactly as it’s told, when it’s told (Samaras style), that noose will be pulled tighter and tighter.Get out while you can, you would be doing everybody in Europe a massive favour in the process

  2. 10th April is a good time to go bust, 4 days to supply the new Dragme!
    socialist Goverments are always borowe too mutch Money!
    look to Venuzuela, the same Problem!
    in this case(Greece) also with a bunch right wingers!
    wath you could compare with Nazis and anti judes!
    you have a lot off them in Greece, think about the GOLDEN dawn.
    all together they are more as(%) in Germany!
    so go your way and look for a new future.
    with this + and – Goverment wath already shows the ” normal” coruption and lying side of the political live.

    • Hallo John…… auch eine neue Zukunft kostet Geld ! Ohne Geld geht gar nichts ! Und eine neue Zukunft muss erst einmal dem Volk plausible gemacht werden. Das schlimmste an der ganzen Sache ist jedoch: Griechenland hat gar kein eigenes Geld für eine neue Zukunft.Hätte es eigenes Geld, würde es dieses ganze Theater gar nicht geben.

      • Lieber Edward,

        Ich lebe seit 25 Jahren in dieses Land.
        Meine Griechische Freunden haben nie Steuern bezahlt!
        Das ist eine Tatsache!
        Wenn Jede in dieses Land seinen Obulus geben würde, währen keine Problemen da!

  3. Lieber Edward,

    Ich habe noch was vergessen.
    Wir, meine Freunden und ich, trinken jeden Tag unsern Kaffee, mit ein wenig Tsiporo, und sagen uns, warum würden wir Steuer zahlen?
    Wir geben die zuständige Beamten ein weinig Geld und dann hat sich das.
    So lässt sich das gut Leben.
    Ich Liebe Griechenland, es hat wunderbare Leute und es ist so schön nicht nur Landschaftlich!

    • keeptalkinggreece

      Ihr solltet weniger Tsipouro trinken, mehr Steuer bezahlen and eure Luegen auf Sparflamme setzen.

      • Lieber KTG,

        es ist aber so!
        die Wille um das Geld an den Staat zu Zahlen ist nicht sehr groß!
        Wenn du was vom Staat möchtest gibt es immer, sogenannte , Probleme.
        Bau Genehmigungen, ein Auto anmelden, ein Haus vermieten, etc.
        dann gibst ein “Fakelaki” und es gibt keine Probleme mehr.
        und ob du es glaubst oder nicht, das ist meine Tägliche Erfahrung!
        und ob du es glaubst oder nicht ich verstehe es!

    • Dear John,

      how much does “Bild” pay you to spout this rubbish?

  4. mit dem Euro geht es Griechenland immer schlechter, warum sollte man es nicht ohne ud mit eigenem Geld versuchen? Draghi druckt auch jede Menge Papier, warum die Griechen nicht? Und UK ist auch nicht im Euro und deshalb doch nicht abgeschnitten von der EU. Meine Beobachtung, mit dem Euro hat man dem Gros der südlichen Klein-und Mittelbetriebe nur schlechtes zugefügt