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EURO Summit Statement on Greece – full text in ENG

Below is the full text of the Statement of the EURO SUMMIT on Greece. In seven pages, the Euro leaders stress right away the necessity to ‘restore trust with Greece’s government’ and list several so-called ‘reforms’ that the government has to start implementing as soon as possible. This will facilitate Greece to receive some liquidity to avoid financial collapse.



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Bills to be passed by the Greek Parliament by 15th and 20th July 2015 and other ‘reforms’.

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source: consilium europe in pdf


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  1. Right now, it does look like accepting 26-6 “Juncker deal” would have been better for Greece. But of course, it’s still a long way until final agreement.

    • keeptalkinggreece

      did Junkcer’s ‘deal’ had Germany’s green light? I don’t think so. It was a deadened, as Schaeuble had taken his decisions in 2011. he was just waiting for the right moment, and Tsipras fell into the trap. why do you think, Schaeuble was alway rejecting GR’s proposals? even 47 detailed plan?

      • Merkel was behind a deal on June 26. I do not think it was the same as the “Juncker deal”, but I remember her calling it “a generous offer”.

        In retrospect, clearly calling a referendum rather than accepting the deal on the table at that point was a huge mistake by Tsipras (except for his personal political future — if he is able to keep his political wins, head a future unity government and cast himself as “the savior of the nation”). It does not matter too much now what could have been; it might only be of interest to the historians.

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      150 of 200: I’ve found the official calculation of the and answered your question more detailed

  2. Greece has been humiliated, lost their sovereignty and under the heavy manners and occupation of the Germans, IMF, OECD and the EU.

    Fifty years ago they used tanks, guns and bullets to wage wars and take over countries, now they can do it almost silently via financial instruments and private organisations & companies.

  3. Giaourti Giaourtaki

    Rumours go that the first German antifascist websites in Austria, Switzerland and Germoney delete all German postings and ban German as the language of the enemy.

  4. I believe, the way this deal was reached makes it a bad deal in the long term. I am starting to wonder if a Grexit might have been a better solution for everyone.

    There are some good measures for Greece in the deal, which might have not been voted for by the Greek parliament if it was “business as usual”. For example, what’s wrong with safeguarding the legal independence of ELSTAT, particularly given the history of cooking the books by successive Greek governments?!

    However, as they say, you can lead a horse to the river, but you cannot force it to drink. The Greek people rightfully perceive this deal as capitulation of their government achieved under duress. By bringing the international experts back to Athens, the Greek government accepts to work under the tutelage of the European Commission. It is likely that Greeks (from the person on the street to the prime minister) will sabotage any clause of this deal — even if they are good for Greece in the long run. It was indicative that Tsipras did not apply his considerable rhetorical skills to extol the many virtues of the deal. Instead, he is “bragging” about what little he was able to resist (like having the location of the privatization fund in Athens instead of Luxembourg, as if this matters).

    With this deal the voters in the rest of the eurozone will also have little incentive to strengthen it (e.g., fully guarantee all deposits in EZ banks by ECB).

    By avoiding the short-term crisis, the EZ leaders might have sowed the seeds of bigger problems down the road.

    • keeptalkinggreece

      aaaaand GREXIT once again. you do this for 5 months now.

      • Nope. My first posting on this site was 1,5 months ago… and I never advocated for a Grexit (unlike some of the extreme leftists). I even would have suffered a lot of volatility in my retirement savings account after a Grexit.

        I am just wondering if the deal reached in this way is sustainable. You are in Greece, you are in a position to provide better insights.

        I am also truly sorry that the European leadership hit this new low.

    • What Europe needs is for Germany to be kicked out. Without that, it has no hope at all. Your silly little ideas do not impress anyone with a functioning brain.