With overwhelming majority the Greek Parliament approved the second bill of “prior actions” demanded by the country’s creditors. The Bill was approved with 230 votes. Against the bill voted 63 lawmakers among them also 31 from Tsipras’ SYRIZA. Another 5 SYRIZA lawmakers voted “present”.
Voting result:
YES 230 SYRIZA, Independent Greeks, New Democrayc, To Potami, PASOK
NO 63 SYRIZA, KKE, Golden Dawn
Present 5 SYRIZA
Among the SYRIZA NO-voters was Parliament Speaker Zoi KOnstantopoulou
Ex Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis votes YES
The government coalition of Syriza and Independent Greeks (ANEL) gathered 126 YES votes compared to 123 in last week’s voting of the first set of “prior actions.”
The number of SYRIZA ‘rebels’ fell to 36 form 39 last week.
After the voting that concluded around 4 am Thursday, State Minister and close Tsipras’ aide Nikos Pappas admitted that there is a rift in the parliamentary group of SYRIZA, causing a major political problem for the government.
“Unfortunately, the rift is confirmed , but I think we will first complete the Agreement procedures and then we will look into it at all collective bodies of the party as provided”.
Negotiations for the third bailout program are expected to begin as soon as tomorrow, Friday. After a 6-month break, the country’s creditors are expected to arrive in Athens again tomorrow with the good old name of the “Troika” even though in new constellation.
In a speech prior to the vote, PM Alexis Tsipras said the package will include an agreement on debt restructuring and rules out a Greece exit from the eurozone.
The deadline to finalize the 3. bailout program is August 20th, when the next repayment to the European Central Bank is due.
Pray to Gods that the Finance Ministry already paid all the bordellos the Troika used so far and they won’t run into troubles again and must ask political asylum in some dangerous embassies.
ops! that reminds me that I have to feature the new Troikans 🙂
It will be all so much easier with German medicine because of it now they will get flat-rates in bordellos, so they are also easy to identify.
Dear Kapetan GiGi, do you really think that you will achieve anything with your aggressive, insulting and stupid comments? Like the terrorists of the past (Markos, Vafiadis, Aris and Cie.) you and your friends in mind and deeds will achieve nothing save the infliction of even greater misery in Greece. That is what you probably want in view of your childish revolution and New Jerusalem.
Just make an opinion poll in Volos what people think why the Troika comes to town and why it takes so long: Bordello!
No idea what (New)Jerusalem is? I’ve never been there.
Without the people you call terrorists it’s questionable if the Greek language as of today would exist, a language that all Europeans have to learn if they wanna be true Europeans with an European language that makes things so much easier, esp for the sub-Europeans.
“Our dear Hellas has become a jungle where Fascist cannibals under foreign leadership plan assassination against the people and the country” (Kapitan Markos, october 1947)
What I wanted to say is that this kind of intemperance of language may have had it’s place in the past (?) but not in 2015. There is no room for new vendettas and hate speeches in a civilized European country like Greece.
Of course the Greek language does belong to the European Heritage, all the students in medicine know this very well. I would even say that the Byzantine Empire is a part of the European history, but that is another story.
“the country’s creditors are expected to arrive in Athens again tomorrow with the good old name of the “Troika” even though in new constellation”
Actually this is a Troika v2.0 with powers well beyond and above anything they had before… This Tsipras is fraud. If Syriza does not fight this, than its has good as dead…
Ach, now I wiII have problems feeding my HiIton cat because who wants to bet they’II bring the MAT poIice back! The Iast time they were here a policeman teamed up with the garage manger and they caught her and released her somewhere far away. After 3 weeks our IittIe princess found her way back.
Did Varoufakis explain why he vote no last week but yes this time?