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Home / News / Politics / Greece’s elections: SYRIZA – ANEL coalition gov’t with 155 seats (Live Blog)

Greece’s elections: SYRIZA – ANEL coalition gov’t with 155 seats (Live Blog)

Ballot boxes close at 7 pm.  Exit Polls will be published one minute after the voting concludes. First official results are expected around 9-9:30 pm


19:00 pm

First Exit Polls – via state ERT TV

error margin +/- 2%

SYRIZA  30-34.8%

New Democracy 28-32%

Golden Dawn 6.5-8%

PASOK , KKE  5.5 -7%

To Potami 4 – 5.5%

Popular Unity 2.5 – 3.5%

Centrists’ Union 3.2-4.2 %

Independent Greeks (ANEL) 3-4%

Abstention not clear yet. but earlier it was expected to be over 40%.


SYRIZA win is clear

Golden Dawn remains in 3. position. Too early to say now, whether it has raise its rates when compared to January elections

ANEL and CU enter the Parliament

PU is not clear if it will pass the 3% threshold. Lafazanis’ Popular Unity is a new party, established after the proclamation of early elections and after disagreement with SYRIZA over the 3. bailout program.

19:10 pm

SYRIZA officials comment on TV networks that “this is a strong mandate given by the Greek people”

New Democracy comments that “the night will be long,” and that “final results could overturn the first exit polls.”

Which could be partly true as the results do not mean “average percentage of the first exit polls.

19:20 pm

Whatever the official outcome, fact is that majority of Greeks voted in favor of 3. bailout program, whether with left-wing (SYR) or right-wing (ND) or ‘socialist’/liberal (PASOK/To Potami) approach.

At the end, these result confirms Tsipras decision to take the NO in July’s Referendum for YES and continue the negotiations with the lenders. He knew more than the voters, he was attached to the famous creative vagueness.

I assume, this majority of Greeks will not dare to protest the austerity measures once they start to be implemented.

20:10 pm

Latest Exit Poll via Mega TV

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SYR – ND – GD – PASOK – KKE – Potami- ANEL – CU – PU

20:11 pm

Fact is that PASOK raised its rates in alliance with Democratic Left and the withdrawal of ex PM Papandreou from elections participation.

Some ‘old’ PASOK voters apparently saw a chance for the party to come in power again via a coalition government either with SYR or with ND and decided to vote again for the ‘social-democrats’.

Blame the public pinion polls before the elections that were showing ANEL – Tsipras’ favorite coalition partner – no passing the 3% threshold.

20:15 pm

Scenarios for possible coalition:


However we have to wait for the final rates for ANEL. If not enough and not enough seats, SYRIZA will have to take an additional coalition partner: PASOK or To Potami.

20:18 pm

First official results based on 10.4% of counted votes:

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SYR – ND – GD – PASOK – KKE – Potami- ANEL – CU – PU

20:22 pm

Track the official results at the official website of Greek Interior Ministry – and in English!

Greek elections results Live


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20:31 pm

Seat distribution estimation via Mega TV

SYRIZA 140-144 (50 bonus incl)


A simple majority government needs 151 seats in the Parliament of 300.

A coalition government with just 151 seats is considered as ‘fragile’, it may need a 2. coalition partner.

However, this time SYR and ANEL MPs are well aware of their pro-bailout and pro-austerity stance, when compared to last January.

20:41 pm

official results by 22.14% of counted votes

Party – Seats distributions – Rates

8 parties enter the Greek Parliament

144 35,31 %
75 28,19 %
20 7,29 %
17 6,50 %
15 5,52 %
10 3,80 %
10 3,72 %
9 3,50 %
2,79 %
0,78 %
0,73 %
0,67 %
0,50 %
0,27 %

20:45 pm

The only parties in anti-bailout opposition are Golden Dawn and Communist KKE.

21:08 pm

SYRIZA – ANEL coalition gets 155 seats.

Enough to survive two votes of bailout bills. then Greeks will go again to elections :p


if  Greece’s coalition government SYRIZA – ANEL is pro-bailout, will opposition pro-bailout parties ND, PASOK, to Potami will mutate to anti-bailout?


Greek media report that SYRIZA will form coalition government with ANEL, and does not intend to speak with other parties.


Abstention could be as high as 45%. But reasons do not definitely mean people did not vote out of protest. it could be also migration, age,  distance to voting center etc.

Last January it was 35-40%


Fact is Lafazanis & Popular Unity managed to scare the anti-bailout middle classes with his “return to Drachma” and “national currency” party program.


tsipras Kammenos

Tsipras & Kammenos celebrate Greece’s next coalition government

11:17 pm

Seata distribution projection via state ERT TV

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SYRIZA 145 (50 seats bonus for elections winner incl)

ND 75  Goldwn Dawn 19  PASOK 17  KKE 15  To Potami 10

ANEL 10  Centrists’ Union 9

Abstention 45.5%

Interior Ministry website

20-09-2015 22:20

Registered 5.063.688
Reporting 53,29 %
Voted 55,45 %
Invalid/Blank 2,44 %

Not in Parl/mnt 6,31 %

145 35,54 %
75 28,11 %
19 7,10 %
17 6,42 %
15 5,47 %
10 3,93 %
10 3,69 %
9 3,43 %
2,83 %

At the end of the elections day, Greeks got the same government as before the elections.

The Live Blog concludes here.

Thank you for following 🙂


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One comment

  1. Amazing. SheepPeople. Just like in the United States. Baaa.