The European Union reached a super deal with Turkey in order to get rid of the Refugees problem. The EU promised Turkey €3 billion cash and opening the ‘frozen’ chapters that would allow Turkey’s accession to European Union. On its part, Turkey promised to handle the flow of refugees into Europe on its territory.
Turkey is the major transit point for refugees mainly from Syria and Afghanistan trying to enter Europe. Turkey has repeatedly said that the number of refugees could reach 1.5-2 million people in 2015 alone.
EU’s present to Turkey:
- 3 billion euro cash
- twice a year EU-Turkey Summit
- reopening of the frozen Turkey’s accession chapters
- Visa-free to Turkish nationals as of October 2016
The EU-Turkey accession talks have been “frozen” for some 10 years after Turkey had refused to recognize the Republic of Cyprus.
Nothing has changed with regards to Turkey’s attitude to Cyprus. On the contrary. Ankara keeps illegally occupying the North of the island state. But the Europeans are in sheer panic about the inflow of refugees. Therefore, they turned a blind eye to turkey’s keeping its army into a part of an EU member state. The defenders of Human Rights, the Europeans, have also turned a blind eye to the violations of human rights committed by Ankara that has a proved record of democracy inefficiency.. Only last week, a court in İstanbul ordered the arrest of Cumhuriyet’s Editor-in-Chief Can Dündar and Ankara bureau chief Erdem Gül over a report that documented Turkish intelligence’s involvement in the transfer of arms into Syria.
The only good thing about the EU-Turkey deal is that the EU members are not committed to accept Turkey into EU.
EU-Turkey Summit Press Release
Yesterday’s summit opened a new chapter in the EU’s partnership with Turkey. The meeting between the European Union and Turkey concluded with the adoption of a joint statement containing a number of shared commitments and actions in many areas.
In their joint statement the 28 Heads of State or Government of the European Union, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council President Donald Tusk agreed with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu to activate the joint Action Plan on migration management and set out a number of shared commitments and actions in many areas, for example:
The opening of chapter 17 (economic and monetary policies) and the preparations for the opening of other chapters in the accession negotiations as well as further steps on visa-liberalisation and implementation of readmission agreements were agreed. The EU welcomed the Turkish commitment to accelerate the fulfilment of the Visa Roadmap benchmarks towards all Member States.
The implementation of the joint Action Plan on migration management will bring order into migratory flows and help stem irregular migration. Turkey has committed to implementing immediately the elements agreed on in the Action Plan, notably immediate action to stem the flow of irregular migrants to the EU; and to improve the socio-economic situation of Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey.
The EU committed to providing an initial €3 billion of additional resources to deliver efficient and complementary support to Syrians under temporary protection and host communities in Turkey.
Regular summits and high-level political dialogue will be held and cooperation on foreign and security policy, including on counter-terrorism, will be reinforced.
In the press conference following the summit, President Juncker expressed his satisfaction with the summit results and underlined that without a joint EU-Turkey response there would not be a solution to the refugee crisis. He also highlighted the enormous efforts Turkey is undertaking in hosting more than 2 million Syrian refugees on its territory. President Juncker finally underlined that remaining divergences, for example on the freedom of press, have not been forgotten and will continue to be tackled. (via EU Commission)
European Council President Donald Tusk:
“Our agreement sets out the clear plans for the timely re-establishment of all our shared frontier. We will also step up our assistance to Syrian refugees in Turkey through a new refugee facility of 3bn euros.”
Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoglu:
“This 3bn euros are not given to Turkey. It’s given to Syrian refugees.”
German Chancellor Angela Merkel:
“Turkey is hosting well over two million refugees and has received little international support so Turkey has a right to expect the European Union and its member states to help with mastering this task.”
Will now Turkish authorities crack down the human traffickers across its western coast? Will Turkey closes its borders to Syria?
Who believes that Ankara did not tolerate the traffickers networks on its soil with the aim to hold a strong bargain card, please, raise hands.
However, there is an important point we should stress here: How quick will Ankara receive the money for the refugees? Because Greece has received the promised EU’ money for the refugees only in the form of “two hot spots” so far.
As Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoglu says the €3bn is not for Turkey but for the refugees, l wonder what oversight will be given by the EU or NGOs to ensure that happens.
Until the human rights and Cyprus issues are resolved, the EU dealings with Turkey should be cordial but at arms length.
Tread carefully EU.
Does anyone really believe this 3 Billion will be used for true refugees and not for the “moderate” terrorists who take refuge inside those camps that were actually set up before outbreak of war on Syria??
More Merkel trying to look good as her entire career goes down in flames.