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Home / News / Politics / Refugees / Greece- Refugee Bottleneck: EU still to deliver 90 Fingerprinting devices, plans 30K reception places

Greece- Refugee Bottleneck: EU still to deliver 90 Fingerprinting devices, plans 30K reception places

880,000 people arrived in Greece since the beginning of 2015. This is stated in a EU Commission progress report on Greece and the Refugee Crisis. According to the report released today, the country that has received a huge stream of refugees and migrants on its soil has made progress in tackling the crisis.
Among others, the EC reports states that
“while the rate of fingerprinting was 8% in September 2015, the proportion skyrocketed to 78% in January 2016.”
This has most probably to do with the fact that the Greek Police has indeed received the necessary Eurodac fingerprinting devices but only a few as the EU delay the promised delivery.

“In January, 6 fingerprinting machines procured by the Hellenic

Police and deployed in Lesvos;
25 fingerprinting machines procured by EASO* to be deployed imminently in Hotspots;
65 more machines due to be delivered by end-February.”
The report notes that “With the support of the European Commission, the delivery of fully operational hotspots in all identified locations is improving steadily, but Greece must take the necessary actions as soon as possible to complete what remains to be done.”
Of course, in order for Greece to do all these things FUNDs are needed, funds that apparently come in a heavy-loaded turtle space.
“The Commission is providing €80 million from the 2016 EU budget,” the report notes without specifying how much of this money has reached Greece so far or the time frame in which these funds will be given to Greece as assistance to tackle the Refugee Crisis.
What is also interesting to stress is the report part according to which
“The Commission contributed to the launch of the UNHCR rental scheme on 14 December 2015, to provide 20,000 reception places for asylum seekers in Greece.”
The Commission plan is to have 30,000 places for asylum seekers in Greece.

“10,447 reception places on the Greek mainland, and 7,181 places

in the Eastern Aegean islands; additional 12,342 places required to
reach the target of 30,000 places.”
“UNHCR supporting delivery of a further 7,000 places in the hotspots.”
I wouldn’t know that the “UNHCR rent subsidy scheme launched for 14,950 reception places on the Greek mainland” has already being in operation, but what it seems clear is that the EU partners plan to have Greece become a bottleneck for “refugees, migrants and asylum seekers” as the report describes them, so that the the EU Commission won’t have to press hard the other member-states to finally apply the relocation quotas agreement.
Full EU Commission Report here


*EASO is an agency of the European Union that plays a key role in the implementation of the Common European Asylum System.
PS Certainly! Our young kitten miaowed this morning a song about “masks have fallen” and “write hypocrisy with H”.

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  1. The report is a load of drivel. They cannot get even basic facts right. 925,000 are recorded as having arrived since january 2015. Or, 856,000 for the whole of 2015. Presumably, 880,000 is the total number when they compiled their undated report. Completely amateurish.

    As for comparing September 2015 with January 2016, apart from having sent more machinery and personnel to Greece, the numbers that arrived and the different locations are crucial factors. Just under 60,000 arrived in January of this year — compared with 160,000 in September 2015. That is 100,000 more people in one month, for EU officials who cannot count properly. Moreover, my recollection (I have to check it) is that in the good weather of last year they refugees were arriving across 42 different locations in the Aegean. Now, it is restricted to a few islands and is easier to handle.

    Sorry, EU: if that is the best you can do, you should consider resigning and allowing more competent people to take over.

  2. People are coming to Europe in droves, noone has any idea of the real numbers that are entering Europe – organised crime syndicates are professional people movers. Moving people all around the world has been a substantial branch of their business for decades in not this last century. Greece & Turkey are not the only entry points to Europe, look at a map of thr EU & see that it is all coastline, Finland, Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, Poland, Germany, France, Spain, Italy. You can’t patrol a whole coastline, first there is not the man power & then you need planes, boats, etc.
    Jean-Claude Junkerbond like his collagues of the EU leadership are old & senile & the rest of you are all mad to follow them into hell.
    It is being said that the exodus from Lebanon has begun, in anticipation that they will be next, they are next on USA General Wesley Clarkes hit list for attack by the USA.
    The Jewish God YAHWEH promised the Middle East to the Jews & they want what they believe is rightfully theirs and as usual the USA & the UK & Germany will deliver.

    • People smuggling is not organised crime: it consists largely of groups of people, even individuals, who welcome the opportunity to make money through smuggling people. There is also some trafficking — but this is less common, especially in the current Syrian refugee crisis.
      The idea that smuggling is organised crime (and the Eu recently used the term trafficking for the entries into Italy and Greece) is propaganda from European governments. Ordinary people — citizens of Turkey, Greece, Italy, etc. — are involved in order to make a living. This is their personal solution to the economic crisis.
      As for the next exodus, logically it should be from Yemen. The Saudis are bombing civilians there with bombs made in Europe and the USA.
      As for “policing the coastline”, you have not understood the situation. No boats can be turned back, no people can be allowed to drown — as a matter of international and EU law. This derives from the UN 1951 Convention on Refugees, and is now enshrined in all European law. People have a legal right to come here, to seek protection from war or persecution, and we have an obligation to help them. The fact that some fascists — e.g. Orban in Hungary — do not respect the rule of law is something to worry about.
      Finally, do you really think that Juncker or anyone else wants refugees? This is something imposed on them: they have no choice. The main problem is the creation of refugees and the disgusting military involvement of the USA in the Middle East. Financing and supporting international terrorism is a long-standing policy of the USA: if they could be stopped, it would help this region of the world to regain stability. Not much hope, though, with brain-damaged lunatics like Trump running for president.

      • Is that so – if it makes you feel safer to believe thet – by all means – in the meantime it is a dog eat dog world – and the Almighty Buck is worshiped above all.

        • Feel?? Safer?? Why is it that people are incapable of having rational debates on major issues of our time, and insist on emotional nonsense. You and the cretin below asking about meds…
          Try dealing with facts, and reasonable approximations of reality. This emotional and irrational nonsense is the main reason that the world is currently in a terrible mess.

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      There is no god but Manitou and the rainbow-snake, Europeans who don’t accept this will be better off, back home to Europe, they might get a visum for Australia and America again only if they proof language skills f.i. in Lakota.

      • I speak English
        some French
        I can understand a few words in Polish as it is a lot like Slovenian – my native tounge – I wish I had more languages –
        English has become a pre-requsite for entry into Australia – but – we in Australia speak English – only – the rest of the world is multi-lingual.
        TO OUR SHAME –
        It is all a beatup to make us look superior –
        Also – Australia is being opened up to help with the migrant crisis – discreetly of course – they do not want the Australian people to know that the ever increasing people of different nationalities we see around us, are newly arrived migrants.
        Go figure how stupid they think we are.

        • Giaourti Giaourtaki

          There are 27 Australian languages but English, Italian and Greek are no Australian languages.

          • no?

          • Giaourti Giaourtaki

            No, they are European languages and thanks to Europeans (who misleadingly call themselves Australians) only 27 of up to 750 Australians languages still exist; the same people call refugees to learn their languages.

  3. Hey Xenos – are you feeling ok? , or are you off your meds again?