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Home / News / Politics / Opinion Poll: Conservative ND 3.7% ahead of ruling SYRIZA

Opinion Poll: Conservative ND 3.7% ahead of ruling SYRIZA

Conservative New Democracy leads with 3.7% ahead of ruling party left-wing SYRIZA. In a public opinion poll conducted 4-11 February 2016. third party in respondents’ preference is Communist KKE however with a difference of more than 17 percent.

Public opinion poll conducted by MRB:

    ND 26.9%
SYRIZA 23.2%
KKE 6.6%
Golden Dawn 6.5%
Democratic coalition / PASOK / DIMAR 5.7%
Center Union Party 4.1%
Independent Greeks 3%
To Potami
Popular Unity (Lafazanis) 2.4%
Other parties 1.8%
Undecided Vote:

To the question “who would win elections if they were to take place soon,” 41.1% of respondents said <New Democracy>, while only 28.1% said <SYRIZA>.

ND’s new leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis of the well-known politician family is considered to be “the most appropriate for Prime Minister” by 28.2% of the respondents, while PM Alexis Tsipras gathers 25.2%. (poll source)

Immediately after ND elected its new leader beginning of January, the conservative party started to gain support towards SYRIZA. Kyriakos Mitsotakis is a neo-liberal supporter who zealously implemented the Bailout terms & conditions, while he was Minister in Samaras government.

So, what do Greeks want? What’s their dilemma? Left-wing  vs Neo-liberal Bailout implementation?

I will tell you about in a post to be written at a later point.

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One comment

  1. Giaourti Giaourtaki

    To find out what Greeks want they must ask them but they never do so, as indicated by “undecided 15%” instead of “non-voters 45%”