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Greek FM recalls Ambassador to Austria after Balkan Conference without Greece

Greek government recalled its Ambassador to Vienna for so-called “consultations” a day after Austria held a Migration crisis Conference with West Balkan countries but did not invited Greece. When diplomacy speaks of “recalling an ambassador for consultations” they normally mean the temporary withdrawal until a conflict between two countries is settled. In a statement issued Wednesday noon, the Greek Foreign Ministry sharply criticizes  and notes that

“the major problems of the European Union cannot be confronted via thoughts, attitudes and extra-institutional initiatives that have their roots in the 19th century.”

No, the Greek Foreign Ministry do not speak of “Austria-Hungary Empire”, but the hint is more than obvious. KTG did speak of this though in two articles on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Foreign Ministry announcement regarding the recalling of the Greek Ambassador to Vienna for consultations (25 February 2016)

By decision of Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, Greece’s Ambassador to Vienna, Ms. Aliferi, is being called to Athens for consultations aimed at safeguarding the friendly relations between the states and peoples of Greece and Austria.

It is clear that the major problems of the European Union cannot be confronted via thoughts, attitudes and extra-institutional initiatives that have their roots in the 19th century, and nor can the decisions of the heads of state be supplanted by directives from police directors. The latter is a major problem for democracy. It points to the need for the European Union to be protected from various parties who are ignorant of history.

Unilateral initiatives for resolving the refugee crisis, along with violations of international law and the European acquis by member states of the EU, are practices that can undermine the foundations and process of European integration.

Responsibility for dealing with the migration and refugee crisis cannot weigh on one country alone. Common sense dictates that effective handling of this complex problem should be governed by the principles of solidarity and fair burden sharing. Greece is working in such a direction.

PS once you know “history” it’s easy to link to the past and warn of unacceptable behaviors and possible mistakes that would repeat the history many want to forget.

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  1. Giaourti Giaourtaki

    How can they have learned anything when they still refuse to even talk about war-reparations and make only ugly jokes about it? When the parliamentarian commission published regarding reparations many Austrian first were in route with Greece as it was looking like “against the Germans” until they realized “Oh, shit, may be we’re in it together?” and so the Anti-Greek frenzy also started there, before that it was also that lots of information regarding Greece while unable to find in German media still were able to be found in Austrian.

  2. Good decision. And Germany is quietly backing Greece against Austria (as is the Commission).

    • German FM did it loud, -and interesting to see Germans being pro Greece after these painful 6 years

      • Giaourti Giaourtaki

        Greece is now a “core European nation”, haha but corrupt as politicians are they are just waiting for delivery after hearing Tsipraki saying “sun and Raki are the only things they can’t take from us”, he should bring some sacks of mountain tea also and tell’em: “Drink of this a litre per day and after 50 days we meet again to see how it washed Alzheimer out of your brains”
        Any way it would make a nice novel to read what would have been the solution in the crisis on Greece without all these idiots being new members with a big mouth; I guess it would have been already solved and all Europeans would have understood that a single currency dictates same level of welfare, health-care, prices and wages all over Europe.