Saturday , February 15 2025
Home / News / Politics / Refugees / FYROM tear-gasses refugees awaiting to cross, Austria, Czech Rep sent police units

FYROM tear-gasses refugees awaiting to cross, Austria, Czech Rep sent police units

The situation at Greece’s northern borders escalated when police on the FYROM side fired tear gas and stun grenades against refugees Monday noon. A few hundred of refugees, women and men holding their kids in their arms took down the border fence, broke a gate and tried to enter FYROM. they were stand-by in the neutral zone between fyrom and Greece.

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The refugees have become very angry after the long delays of border crossing as Skopje open the gates only on and off. On Sunday, borders opened from 9 pm until 4 am and only 305 people went through – and not 500 per day as it was supposedly to happen. On Monday, borders opened 11:30-12 and only 10 people went through.

No wonder that the thousands awaiting got angry. They threw stones at the FYROM police and were changing “Open the border!”

FYROM police claimed that  500 people earlier pushed their way past Greek police to reach the gate used to let trains through at the border crossing.

More than 6,500 people are trapped on the Greek side of the border since a week, when FYROM closed the borders following Austrias’ instructions.

There are a lot of families with children, some of them sick due to the harsh living conditions with not much food and shelter. State ERT TV reported that people stand queue for up to 4 hours to get a sandwich and a bottle of water

Citing FYROM diplomatic sources, private Mega TV reported that “FYROM strictly follows the resolutions of the West Balkan Conferenceheld last week in Vienna upon Austria’s initiative. The diplomatic sources said further that they allow so many people to cross as Serbia in the northern borders allows too.”

refugees fyrom teargas

Holding her two kids, mom tries to protect them from tear-gas.

Austria has sent 20 policemen to guard FYROM’s borders. Now it turns out that also the Czech Republic has sent a police unit.

PS so it will be interesting to know, whether these ‘foreign policemen” were involved in the tear-gas…

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  1. “PS so it will be interesting to know, whether these ‘foreign policemen” were involved in the tear-gas…”

    No, they were not involved. These small foreign units are always commanded by an officer from a host state and they are not sent to crisis situation. In fact these small foreign police units (in FYROM there are currently policemen from Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Slovenia, Austria,…) are more declaration of political support to FYROM than a real personal support. That is their purpose in the first place. P.S. I am observing very carefully your (keeptalkinggreece`s) practical demonstration of democratic behaviour in this forum. Very interesting…

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      This is no forum here, btw, it belongs KTG!
      Greek police gots all the rights to protect babies from Chemical Warfare, this cowardly Nazi-scum will pay their price!
      Wood for barricades would be smart because the fire will eat away the gas and safe life.

  2. It’s a real pity that the fYRoM cannot observe the UN Treaty on Refugees that it has signed, and instead cites a meeting last week of some idiots as a reason to break international law, block the lawful passage of refugees to the EU, and endanger their lives with illegal fences.

    • Come on…don’t tell them! Don’t awake them from their psychedelic dream of having the Absburg empire and the Holy Alliance reshaped!

  3. It is Apocalypse. Europe must build 12 m high fence across the whole external border.

    • define: EU’s external border

      • Mainland is priority

        • Try reading the EU Treaties. Try reading the Schengen Border Code. Try reading any history book about the European Union. Try reading anything, actually — instead of posting offensive and illegal idea here.
          As I have said previously, Latvia and the other Communist countries are free to leave Europe and rejoin the Soviet Union. Nobody is stopping you.

      • Giaourti Giaourtaki

        He’s obviously farting about the Iron Curtain, cheers

      • He’s the EU 13 one. We definitely have a problem. After the EU 13 single currency skyrockets to record high level, get ready to rescue thousands of latvian people on boats heading to Syria in search of some economic relief there