The EU-Turkey deal is getting better day by day… Turkey will not take back migrants and refugees already on Greek islands under a deal proposed to European Union leaders at a crunch summit this week, Ankara’s EU affairs minister said Thursday.
On Monday Turkey went to EU Summit in Brussels with a long Wish List and after long negotiations with hard bargaining, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu had committed to agree to take back irregular migrants and Syrian refugees.
One of the major agreement points between Turkey and EU was:
• to return all new irregular migrants crossing from Turkey into the Greek islands with the costs covered by the EU
• to resettle, for every Syrian readmitted by Turkey from Greek islands, another Syrian from Turkey to the EU Member States, within the framework of the existing commitments;
A week before the crucial EU Summit on the Refugee and Migration Crisis, Minister Bozkir apparently wants to limit the number of migrants Turkey will take from the Greek islands.
As for the refugees on the Greek islands… apparently he wants to take none.
I suppose, Bozkir’s statements blow apart the deal as the EU had agreed to fund Turkey with 3+3billion euro in return for taking back migrants and refugees .
Bozkir’s statements quoted here.
PS from the very first day after the Summit, I told you that the Turkish PM stole the carpet he had sold to EU leaders and flew on it back to Ankara…
So why are they receiveing funding from the EU?????
have not received yet
these LLLLLLLLLLLLL look like a flying carpet :p
The best quality Persian one:-)We need some magic to bring sanity to Europe. It’s not going to come from deranged politicians.
Just put the owners of blood-phones as war-criminals to Den Haag prison you have sanity
Who ever believed that Turkey would keep to any agreement. They’ve got all the cards in their hands and they can demand anything, but the EU must wake up from their long sleep and realize that they are only cutting their own throat if they agree to and believe in any of these demands.
Agree 100% but have NO expectation of such 🙁
It’s all but bad communication before any deal is fixed, so nowhere one can read that Turkey will also take back only refugees that didn’t asked for asylum in Greece but may be they all forgot this to mention so that refugees don’t get this information.
Why pay money when every person repatriated is replaced by another? To boost the travel industry??
It solves exactly nothing and just plays games with peoples lives.
And when 80 mil Turks now have visa-free travel to EU and presumably indefinite staying rights.
If I were the Turks, I would not bank on anything the EU says. Today because they need Turkey the EU promises this and pledges that. It’s all empty promises. Tomorrow, when they will feel that the refugees crisis has been managed or contained (most notably by permanently settling refugees in Greece), they will go back to their customary racist attitude about Turks and other “oily” types.
Yes, even before the negotiations are concluded, the northern European governments are starting. They’re not happy with allowing Turks visa-free travel, not happy about speeding up EU accession when the Turks are clamping down on press freedom, and are saying that the arrangement of “one in, one out” (this absurd nonsense of exchanging only Syrians) is only needed for a short time. So, most likely the deal will be aborted. It is totally illegal anyway; there is a long list of breaches of international law, EU law, the European Convention on Human Rights, etc etc.
Erdogun will only let Kurds out, Turks will be needed to sweep Kurdistan, may be some will leave EU and follow.
The agreement to grant billions to Turkey is already violated by Turkey. The billions could be used within Europe and Greece in order to provide the means by which closed borders would be side-stepped, and also to alleviate the wretched conditions for migrants now trapped in Greece. Another use, send in NATO or an equivalent, to deal with the criminals who are making money out of refugees along the Turkish coast.
There has to be some better way of using these promised billions of Euros.
It’s not even about money. It’s the refusal of neo-nazi governments in Eastern Europe to allow any refugees onto their territory and certainly not Muslims. It is about the failure of the EU to impose the rule of law. It is about the general racism, xenophobia and intolerance that prevails across contemporary Europe. You have only to read the foul Nazi-style comments in British newspapers. Or on Klaus Kastner’s blog, where one person laments that the EU don’t have the courage to kill the “refugees and other undesirables” with gunfire as they come across the Aegean. And note that Kastner leaves such hate speech on his blog.
Let’s face it, we are living in an aggressive neo-nazi age, where people do not accept the rule of law. Greeks (with the exception of a few nasty businessmen and military assholes) have responded with humanity to refugees: much of the rest of Europe want them to die. It is actually that bad.
Merkel is a major exception: there is some speculation that her position is personally derived from that infamous public encounter with the refugee girl, last year.
EU politicians, and Merkel in particular, want to have their cake and eat it too. All they’re doing is engaging in a communication exercise. On the surface, they want people to think that they care and are doing something for the refugees, but in reality they are doing nothing except mouthing words of support while they are silently applauding the open and brash anti-refugee statement others are expressing.
When they thought public sentiment was pro-refugee after the picture of that poor drown child, they were all clamoring about how they all LOOOOOOVED the refugees. The moment they realized that public sentiment was a mile wide and an inch deep, they all felt it was politically viable to change their tune and get tough on migrants (notice how they are no longer called refugees). And they did.
Germany in particular has played the game skillfully. Most people think millions of refugees have been accepted in Germany because they’ve been repeating this over and over again in the press. That’s simply not true. Germany CLAIMS that over a million asylum seekers are in their system but quietly admits it has received just a little over half a million asylum application (which includes applications from all asylum seekers including from the Balkans, N. Africa, etc). But even if that’s true how many of these applicants will be granted asylum and how many will be sent back when no one is paying attention? The answer is most of them unfortunately. If we look at the numbers Europe AS A WHOLE approved a little less than 300,000 asylum applications in 2015 (and that’s applicants from the whole world not just those fleeing the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, etc.) with Germany granting roughly 140000. That’s a far cry from the rhetoric of “we are accepting millions of refugees.”
May be they all made a little research and figured who invented “Refugees Welcome”, and saw “uii, shit, it was originally a mobilization of the No-Border and the Autonomous Movement” but we all know it’s simply maths: 850.000 refugees come into Greece, 90.000 taking by Austria, 160.000 by Sweden aso will never make a million plus the genius mistake of “140.000 missing”, disappearing in “German statistics” and feeding fear-lust of most yellow pages, most of these “mistakes” will be made by local authorities to get more money but end of the day “Europe” lead by Germoney wanted to have tougher laws since long before. It’s the same strong forces behind who hunted against Greeks and invented the “missing information” about New Years day ignoring the fact that in Western Germoney some 20 millions knew about it all from the radio-news and “local” papers.
Germany has always excelled in propaganda and manipulation of ordinary people.
The final recognition rates and levels of asylum applications from 2015 are not available, so it’s not clear how many will in the end be accepted by Germany. Of course, politicians use this lag to lie and cheat — as always.
It’s more like that Renzi is blocking the Italian share of 300 million to remind the EU about promised austerity release but it’s funny that the EU can’t find 300 million since months.