It sounded really strange on Sunday morning. Deputy Foreign Minister Dimitris Mardas revealed a plan Greek government has under consideration to offer refugees and migrants “residence permission if they invest 250,000 euro in Greece.”
Mardas told Skai TV, that the government is styding a project to examin ethe economic profile of refugees and migrants and that “if there are some refugees who are able to invest in Greece an amount of 250,000 euro then these refugees will enjoy a favorable treatment.”
According to the Greek Law of Migration and Social Integration of 2014, investors and their families from third countries receive resident permissions when they buy real estate worth at least 250,000 euro in Greece. The bill “trade real estate for residence permit” for non -EU citizens was prepared by New Democracy/PASOK/DHMAR coalition government in November 2012, pushed through the parliament in February 2013 and was integrated in Migration Code in 2014
Theoretically,, this is possible. Practically, Mardas’ revelations are totally inopportune for the time being with 50,000 refugees and migrants spending their days and nights at open camping areas, often in appalling living conditions.
PS I propose, Mardas & the Greek government send private ‘investment vs residence permit’ invitations to refugees before they leave their homes and countries, so they would not spend several thousands of euros and risk their lives trying to reach Greece. they can invest in Greece and fly from Kabul, Damascus or Baghdad directly to Athens.
This is a redical left policy? I thought the Greek law on rich migrants and invetsment came from Samaras…
This has nothing to do with radical left policies. It was put together by New Democracy/PASOK/DHMAR coalition.
Oh yeah, and this is the reason why “Macedonian” police was robbing refugees, guess…
Troika said there is no cadaster in Greece. How the evidence of such purchases should be provided?
The Troika fails to provide a cadastre also, a cadastre of tombstones as cadasdres are made of tombstones because as we all know Greeks kill each other for a tree; blatantly not reported by your lying media and the true reason why there are not 20 million living in Greece.
Just ask your propaganda-teacher for details.
No need for cadaster…immigrants just have to sue the Greece for bigotry and racism. And goverment will pay compensation for suffering and so immigrant gets the money for investment. Communism is wonderful..:D
What is bigotry? PAOK or Salonika? Do you find any lawyer? Where? Communism was never realized, it’s also not working in a world of capitalism, so what you call Communism is just State-Capitalism made by social-democratic Stalinists. None of this is Greece, instead Greece is capitalism, otherwise Eldorado Gold, a “Canadian” “investor” couldn’t be allowed to destroy the Chalkidiki after getting mining rights (for close to nothing or get kicked out of EU) like in Olympia.
If Greece would be run by communists there would be tanks to insure freedom of movement at the Yugoslav border.
Taking a page from the U.S., which sells green cards (residency) to big investors. Also from Belize, which sells its passports to foreign investors.