Main opposition party, conservative New Democracy continues to lead in public opinion polls with party leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis to keep repeating on 24/7-basis: “This Syriza government is incapable.” The propaganda works: 47% of Greeks want early elections and – surprise! – among them also SYRIZA voters.
Third party remains the extreme-right Golden Dawn, while To Potami and coalition government partner Independent Greeks (ANEL) would not manage to enter the Parliament – as in all public opinion polls.
In a public opinion survey conducted by Pulse for private television Action 24
New Democracy 27.5%
Golden Dawn 6%
Pasok, KKE 5%
To Potami, Independent Greeks 2%
Centrists’ Union, Popular Unity 2.5%
47% want early elections – among them 23% of those who voted SYRIZA in Sept 2015 elections
32% do not want early elections
30% consider Mitsotakis as “the most suitable Prime Minister” and 23% Alexis Tsipras. However, 42% consider “none of them”.
72% believe that the SYRIZA-ANEL government handles the Refugee Crisis “negative” or “rather negative”, while 21% thinks “positive.”
Asked to judge the Greek governments since 2010 – since Greece sought the bailout aids, the majority of respondents have “negative opinion” at:
67% PASOK/Papandreou government
54% Tsipras gov’t
42% Papadimos gov’t
39% Samaras gov’t
Aparently, the Greek respondents did not hear IMF’s Lagarde saying reforms and debt servicing need a stable government.
PS my take: should early elections take place and ND wins, once neoliberal Mitsotakis starts to implement the lenders’ “structural reforms” with mass lay-offs and state expenditure cuts down to the basics… in a year or so Greeks will want again “early elections.”
There is no cure for this country when political and voters mentality remains the same, growth is still far away and the Debt high.