That was the greatest “OPS!” in the history of the Greek Parliament, I think. New Democracy MP Dimitris Stamatis told lawmakers that ND leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis will be Prime Minister of Greece in spring 2017!
“The people elect the governments even if they make mistakes as in your case. In spring 2017, Mitsotakis will be Prime Minister.”
The statement by the close aide of ex PM Samaras has certainly stunned the government MPs and froze the ND lawmakers.
Because as everyone knows, ND Mitsotakis keeps repeating 50 times per day demands early elections saying the “SYRIZA-ANEL government is incapable!” and “They have to go!”
Trying to justify himself, Stamatis told reporters later that he was delivering his speech under time pressure and was not able to say exactly what he was planning to do like saying that with the implementation of omnibus bill Tsipras won’t be PM in spring 2017, next year.
Watching Bouli TV and trying desperately not to throw my laptop against the wall since I don’t have another one to replace it. The posturing and demagogy going on is unbelievable. Listening to Antonis Mitsotakis (or Kyriaros Samaras your choice) you would think that the history of modern Greece started in 2015 and before that it was the Golden Age when everything was milk and honey and everyone lived high on the hog. Listening to the Syriza people, you would think that history started in July 2015 and that the measures they are voting on today are not the same measures (except twice as worse) they had rejected before that date. For their part, Gennimatia and Theodorakis live in a world of their own making were all problems would magically disappear if they were in power…simply because they are who they are. When will we ever get rid of all these buffoons once and for all? It’s a sad, sad day for Greece when you realize that the only parties who have not changed their tunes since 2011 or sold themselves down the river is Golden Dawn and the KKE. I wish I had a magic wand and could make all these simpletons and numbskulls disappear in order to start over. But I will say I have a special bone to pick against Tsipras. As a progressive who has always voted on the left, it’s disgraceful to see what he has managed, to do not just to himself and his party, but to the left leaning progressive causes in general. In a year, he has managed to single-handedly discredit all liberal, forward-thinking, radical, left wing political agenda for generations to come and given unlimited grist to the mill of every neoliberal politician. This is something I cannot forgive him.
no parliament debate is worth a laptop: Tsipras’ -& rest of SYRIZA officials- biggest mistake was to give free negotiations cheque to Varoufakis last year. blame it on lack of experience in governance & “left romanticism” when there were sharks on the other side of the table
Blaming Varoufakis for everything is an easy way out. Ultimately, the buck stops with the head of the government. When you enter negotiations declaring loudly and publicly that you are not willing to walk away if the other side doesn’t negotiate in good faith, you are basically giving the other side the message that they really don’t have to negotiate at all. But this should have been done in 2011 and 2012 to be fair when the Europeans were dead scared of a Greek default.
I don’t blame Varoufakis for everything, I blame Tsipr+SYR as well. the problem was that he went to eurogroup and was debating on how to restructure the way of managing the eurozone. for 2 months. Even SYR says that nowadays, I knew it first hand May 2015.
The system decided not the first time that “leftists” are better for this kind of dirty job, not without reason Stournaras started the bank-run already under the old government and Samaras changed tradition and came up with the wrong candidate for president.
I don’t disagree with your assessment. However, I also tend to agree with Varoufakis that until and unless the eurozone is reformed it doesn’t really matter what one negotiate within the straightjacket of a badly designed monetary union. Ultimately anything negotiated will fail.
sure but that’s an academic debate for the time being , IMHO
Enjoy your ice cream and pizza.
Wait a moment. ND and pasok tell us that Syriza is very bad and has brought new memorandum. I say that if ND and pasok had not caused the country to go bankrupt then there would not have been any memoranda.