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Greece & Institutions agreed on which prior actions would not be implemented

Greece’s economic team and institutional creditors are a step closer to the release of the 3. bailout tranche of 7.5 billion euro. In an extraordinary teleconference that ended in the early morning hours of Wednesday, the two sides reportedly agreed on  several ‘open’ prior actions that Athens had said it would not implement. They agreed on several issues, however “some details” are still unsolved.

The two sides agreed on:

poverty allowance for low-pensioners (EKAS)” should not be retrospectively return by the beneficiaries for the time 1. January – 31 May 2016, the provision to cut the EKAS for 70,000 people will go into effect as of 1. June. The question is, however, how the Greek government will fill the hole of 80 million euro. There are reportedly thoughts to cut the EKAS to another group of thousands of beneficiaries earlier that it was originally planned.

pensions: 45,000 small entrepreneurs with annual income up to €10,000 who live in municipalities with less than 2,000 residents will remained insured in the Farmers’ Fund (OGA)

Disability pensions will continue to be given to beneficiaries

The Independent Power Transmission Operation (ADMHE) will not be privatized.

“Thorn” between the two sides remains the sale of red loans with state guarantee. Greece and creditors are expected to negotiate again later today, the issue might be settled by Friday.

sources: kathimerini, newsit

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