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Greece’s young employees (18-29) earn less than €500/month

Almost half of young employees between 18 and 29 years old earn less than €500 net per month despite the laws for over 25 saying otherwise. In a survey conducted by human resources and job seekers website among 5,208 respondents aged 18-35, students and University/technical college graduates the results are:

Only 8% of young Greeks want oa job in the public sector
53% of young people wish to work in Greek company
45.6% (employees aged 18-29 ) earn net salary below 500 euros*
One in Two
said that the economic crisis has affected his personal life 

The most important reason for people to resign from a job is “lack of fairness” (84%), while on fifth position is “the salary” (69%).   

The survey was conducted in April and May 2016.

*Unfortunately I have no more information but I suppose, the salary is for full time job. Minimum wage is 586 gross for over 25 and 510 gross for below 25. And it is worth noting, that also university graduates earn the minimum possible.

On the other hand, it is easy to exploit labor force as youth unemployment ισ 51.4%.

With less than 500 euro, it is hardly possible to start a family.

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  1. Yes, it’s a disaster. But for wages to increase Greece needs a functioning economy, not more Souflaki shops and bakeries .

    • keeptalkinggreece

      add cafes + super markets… it’s the only business where customers pay in time, mostly cash and the low prices of the product secure in a a way a continuous customer flow

      • Greece was never an economy that was good at production — with the exceptions of agriculture, leather goods and tourism (plus a few other sectors such as basic chemicals). The effect of entering the euro was that it became cheaper to import fruit from outside the eurozone (e.g. Turkey, and even South America). A high currency also made it more difficult to consider producing and exporting hi-tech things — which EU countries need to do. The only advantage that the euro offered Greece was access to cheap capital — which opportunity both Pasok and ND squandered with a lack of guidance and direction to banks and businesses. The word is incompetence, more than corruption or laziness.
        Now, what to do? There are no options open. Someone has to invest in Greece, and almost nobody will under these conditions.

        • keeptalkinggreece

          even Greeks do not invest in Greece really (except for coffee-bars etc –> cash money) and if they do capital comes from abroad (i.e. start-ups sector) and soon the start-ups move their HQ abroad.

      • Giaourti Giaourtaki

        With 500 Euros wage-slave jobs no one will be costumer, lunatics who justify this play into the hands of rich bastards who want competition only for the reason to get stiff on more money.

  2. Aletho News – article – Why is Europe so reluctant to challenge Israel’s destruction of EU-funded projects ?

    Is it because the monies are not actually being spent on the said projects ?
    That in fact only a tolken amount of the vast sums of money are being spent to make it look like the projects have actually been build.
    Where as in reality the BULK of the monies are being STOLEN

  3. For the first time in over 20 years the average salary for grown ups in Serbia rose above 400 Euro. The average salary in Bosnia stands at 375 Euro. Croatia not that much different. And these are salaries for grown ups. I know of adult who make 200 Euro per month. Some pensioners get 120 Euro. I really don’t know how people survive in these countries. Yes, the situation is bad and sad in Greece but other countries have had it worse for a much longer time. This is something that will continue to be in Greece for a while as well.

    • keeptalkinggreece

      maybe they survive because good & services are cheaper than in EZ and national currencies can devalued to catch up with inflation. Lots of Greeks in northern Greece do weekly shopping in Bulgaria or Fyrom.

      • I wish that was true. Many goods and services are almost just as expensive as in the EZ. Fuel still cheaper. Perhaps 30 eurocents a liter, probably almost 50 compared with Greece. Currency devaluation perhaps allows to keep up with inflation but makes foreign goods even more expensive. I have seen people going to the market just buying what they can afford for that day. I also see more people going through the garbage bins. And then of course there are the ones with the new Mercedes and BMW. A lot of cars and other luxury items of course are bought on credit.