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New Labor Conditions rule: Part-time jobs, less than €400/month

Flexible forms of work like part-time jobs and work in rotation and low wages: these are the new conditions for Greek labor force. The new working standards hit all ages. Employers fire older workers and hire “cheaper” employees below 29 years old with part-time contracts and respectively low wages.

According to data released by the Labor Ministry:

54.16% of new recruitment – 201,793 in total – in July 2016 were flexible forms of work: part-time jobs and work in rotation.

         38.87% or 78 432 work contracts were part-time job

         15.29% or 30 859 work contracts were work in rotation.

A total of 182,512 people lost their paid employment work places in July 2016 because of : being fired (main reason), or contracts expired, or were led to voluntary exit form the work place.

More easy to find a job are ages 15-24 and 25-29 years old.

Most affected by dismissals fired are ages 30-44 and 45-64.

The new class of poor workers

The new morals in labor conditions have created a new working class: the poor workers, earning an average of 400 euro per month.

For the time period January – July 2016:

51.2% of new recruitment – 657,698 people of total 1,265,383 – were part-time jobs or work in rotation with wages under 400 euro per month.

477,416 part-time jobs contracts and 180,.282 work in rotation contracts.

Of course, such low wages reduce state revenues in terms of income taxation and contributions to social security funds.

I am sure, the Greek government and its lenders will think about it … another day.

… and then it will be too late for tears.

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  1. No economy = low wages. Very simple concept. It will continue like this for a while, until the economy starts to reform and hopefully confidence will be restored, foreign investment will start to flow, and Greece can start rising from the ashes.

    If none of this happens and Greece fails to reform, it will just be endless poverty.

    • Giaourti Giaourtaki

      Any investment will only care for to hire as many robots and drones as possible, poverty is the result of capitalistic barbarity and it’s bastardocratia and will not end before these bloodsuckers and their lackeys will get thrown out, the money-system must get aborted, food grown to eat not for profits.

      • If many Greeks listen to your agenda, Greece will very soon be like Venezuela ! It is already heading that way. May be less fun for you though, there won’t be any buses in Greece left to burn. What will all the anarchists do with their free time?

    • Don’t you ever get tired of the bs you are paid to spout? Or are you supporting a family on it? Whatever….after 8 years of the same uneducated, economically illiterate nonsense, the same phrases etc Greeks can spot a troll instantly.

  2. I don’t think ‘reform’ is quite the same as throwing millions into poverty to repay bank bailouts.

    Interesting chart here to show how EU austerity programs have re-shaped Europe in terms of multi-dimensional poverty.

    • Keep blaming everyone else as usual. If Greece didn’t falsify numbers to join the Euro, it would have stayed in the Drachma and many problems could have been avoided.

      • Giaourti Giaourtaki

        Bullshit, if she did the Hermans knew about it and why stopping your neo-lib propaganda here? Every normal neo-lib would point out that it makes no difference as devalue will only worsen the problem.
        So this is only your vehicle to post anti-Greek and anti-Semite huntingshit, even any anti-nationalist would punch it out of your brains if you’d show up exa-sq – a spontaneous ticket plus cab from airport won’t be too much investment to check it out.

        • Of course they would exharcia square is where the Greek terrorists are! All they are good for is burning buses and throwing molotovs, which by the way forces the Greek government to use our taxpayer money to fix ! In any country where there was actual rule of law, most of these exarchia terrorists would be in jail!

          • Giaourti Giaourtaki

            You must be an Islamist to call some rioters “terrorists” and funny it will be when Greece is forced to give real terrorists 25 years sentences, all others will be released then (as it would be normal for political prisoners anyway) or how can one justify to have mass-murderers given the same – beside we all know most are in jail framed up by terror-police constructs or weeks long torture in hospitals as Greek Guantanamo.

      • You know that Eurostat knew the numbers where fixed and still lett Greece into the Eurozone? Just saying that the pot is calling the kettle black 😉

        • You know I’m sure Eurostat knew Greece was corrupt, but not to the extent that they lied what, 8% of budget GDP deficit?

          You are right though, Eurostat should have checked the numbers more closely. I think that’s why they felt kind of responsable, and agreed to finance the bailout in the first place , even though they knew that Greece will default at some point . As things stand, everyone knows that Greece cannot pay the full debt no matter what happens .

          • Giaourti Giaourtaki

            If you would kindly subtract the 3/4 that makes up the lenders profit through interest – although interest originally was never meant to be profit but only against risks, the banks pay none to the voodoo-economics of the ECB and you 15 to them – you would figure that the debts are already paid back – the same voodoo-economics is behind the blatant rip-off via any privatizations.
            To call Greece corrupt must be a special Bavarian joke as the world-champs in corruption are the Jerries with their 2 billion bribes in Greece, some time after the Olympic Games ended we’ll see if they break this record.

      • Greece’s entry into the eurozone was rigged by Germany and France — which is why Papademos was promoted from Governor of the Bank of Greece to Deputy Governor of the ECB, and why the Germans placed him as acting prime minister after Papandreou. The criminals in the eurozone catastrophe are Germany, France and the European Commission. Their pathetic attempt to deny their crimes may work with idiots like you, but history books have already recorded the facts.

  3. Stop whining. The same happened in Germany, happens all over Europe. Has been going on for years. Only the frozen, blocked legislation in Greece was the reason, it has not reached Greece up until now.

    Greeks are in the same boat now as Germans, Spanish, Austrians ….

    • keeptalkinggreece

      well, you compare ananas and apples. it’s not exactly the same as social welfare is practical zero in Greece and there is not the famous HARTZ support granting some 700-800 euro per month

      • Giaourti Giaourtaki

        not only that, probably lives in Crete on fat German pension, lost reality, is also scarred the situation will force her to go back to Kaltland, since 30 years favourite saying of such kinda people is: “I love Greece, it’s so beautiful but it would be so much nicer without Greeks” (her planned book-title)

        • When I was a music student at Manchester University (1976)one of our housemates went on holiday to France. He sent me a postcard, saying “beautiful food, beautiful country — but sadly full of foreigners”. This sums up the racism of Brits quite nicely 🙂 I think Germans are much the same.

    • Nope, you are clueless. In northern European countries, people on low incomes are given social support for housing, healthcare, children’s needs, etc. Greece gives nothing to the poor, while the rich have been greedily sucking out money (with the aid of the Germans) for decades.

      • In fact the uk benefits system as so generous, some people did not work on purpose! That’s changing now though, for example you can only claim child benefit if your household makes less than 60,000 GBP a year. Before it was unlimited

        • You are now posting right wing propaganda about the UK? Moreover, you are also clueless: I mention above “in-work benefits” which are massive amounts of money paid to people “in work” [got it? people who are in work…] because their wages are so low compared with the cost of living.
          The benefits paid to people out of work are very low (often denied) and you are treated like a piece of toilet paper. So you can stop posting your vile right wing crap here. The last few governments have consisted of far right pieces of vomit from very rich backgrounds — with the same nasty mentality as you. It is a basic reason why the UK is no longer a very nice place to live, unless you are obsessed with money and interested in nothing else.

      • .Just blaming rich people for Greece’s issues is the easy, old argument.Problem with the Greek economy is that it’s basic foundation of it’s economy does not produce something that forces people to pay for it. e.g. Intel makes computer CPU’s for $15 each and sells them for $800 each, and since you are commenting here, you use a computer and if it’s high end probably Intel CPU. Greece tries to make it on cheap tourists and $15 t-shirts and tomatoes….you get it now.

        • If this nonsense is supposed to be a reply to me… The Greek economy is in the mess it is, largely because of the management of the country by the rich through the political system. It is not simply a matter of corruption, nor is it simply a matter of complaining about rich people, as you seem to infer. It is a clear historical argument that Greece has been under the control of powerful families, through politics, who have done everything possible to maximise their extortion of money and nothing for the economy to develop in a productive way. Got it now?

          • opinion is not fact. get it? ; same old tired argument, quit playing the victim, deal with it.ND will sweep to power and goofball AT and co. will be retired….and AT and co. will do what all the other powerful Greek families have done….same difference.wake up to the game pal.

          • If you cannot understand economic arguments then my advice is to stop posting opinionated nonsense about economics. It merely makes you look as stupid as you probably are. Your posts have no relation to reality, and seem to be merely the random right wing thoughts of an idiot.

    • Germany should pay reperations to Greece 400billion and counting, not loans or credit which mean nothing, just numbers…..Greece wants hard cash. 3-4 million Greeks butchered in WW2,burnt schools, bodies left hanging 7 days in the central square in villages around Nafplion,Peloponnesos and you wanna talk about blocked legislation, and cute words,sure, when it suits you it is blocked or closed.only reason Germany has not paid is that it was cut up in two at the end of ww2, now you are one country, so, pay your dues.

  4. Giaourti Giaourtaki

    This is exactly what we were predicting from the beginning, supported by their corrupted mouthpieces of “European” public that is ignoring the non-existence of a welfare-state in Greece. In northern Europe even slave-drivers demand welfare as they are scarred of social unrest and so this concept is only planned for the regions where still families exist, the south of Europe and one can imagine the perverts of Lidl having a stiff dreaming of all the wrecked small shops in the south of Italy.

    • keeptalkinggreece

      nowadays, in labor market vacancies employers offer payments of 2euro or 3euro per hour for graduates of vocational schools or Universities/TEI